Making it work Why technology alone cant guarantee success Tim Macer Managing Partner Tim Macer Services
Making it work: why technology alone cant guarantee success AGENDA 1. Barriers to acceptance 2. The challenge for MR 3. The challenge for DP 4. Putting it all together
1. Barriers to acceptance
The risks The software doesnt do all you need Bugs in the software Hardware not up to scratch Communications links inadequate Costs run away or exceed the budget The people
Managing the risks Software doesnt do what you need evaluate and test in full Bugs in the software again, test very thoroughly Hardware not up to scratch and test again Communications links unreliable and test again
Managing the risks Costs run away or exceed the budget Budget carefully and add contingencies Get a good lawyer The people Good people will succeed even with weak technology The strongest technology will fail if the people are not fully behind it Listen carefully…
Barriers to acceptance Ignorance Poor understanding Resentment Fear Cynicism Passive resistance
2. The Challenge for MR
The challenge New technology, like SPSS Dimensions, is inevitably going to make things easier faster and more universally available This will undoubtedly challenge accepted working practices
A brief history lesson MR got in early on technology The early programs were difficult to use and took time to learn Researchers tired of trying to use the programs and do their day jobs Specialists were hired to learn and use the programs: DP was born
MR as a commodity The cross tab became everything Research agencies became production lines Time stood still, while elsewhere...
MR is being squeezed Companies often have all the data they want Cheap or DIY data collection on the web means research agencies must give added value MR must wise up on knowledge management and database integration Management consultants are top-slicing the consultancy work Agencies must move up the food chain to become knowledge consultants
Design and analysis time is becoming increasingly restricted. As the logistics get faster, clients want all aspects to be faster. But how will we think faster? Ray Poynter, Millward Brown Intelliquest Weve got five years, ASC Conference, September 2000, London
The production line model is doomed Until now, MR agencies have been able to mark up the cost of fieldwork to pay for the thinking time As the cost of gathering data falls to near zero, where is the revenue going to come from? MR must be explicit about the value it is adding
Work faster, work smarter Researchers must lose their virginity when it comes to technology The new technology will help them to get closer to their clients IT is too valuable for it to be the preserve of any one department
A multi-disciplinary approach New technology, like Dimensions, wont work if it is simply molded around existing working models Set up an implementation strategy team, involving all the operational units Support for the new technology must come from the top
Every time I have seen it go wrong it is because senior management did not understand the technology. Expecting the systems or DP department to come up with the answers is very likely to give you a systems led solution rather than a research led solution. John OBrien, Chairman, BMRB International, on implementing new technology, interviewed in Research World, March 2001 (Esomar)
The software gets simpler: the system gets more complex The standard turnkey package is on its way out Plan your migration to the new system with care, or get expert help Be prepared to customize the software
3. The Challenge for DP
Is DP doomed? DP must develop new skills to support the researchers in becoming more client focused and more technology dependent The DP team must become more focused on the changing needs of its own internal clients It must order some more chairs
A new set of skills will be needed New technical skills in Knowledge management Database integration Interface customization, e.g. VB scripts, Java And communication skills to educate, advise, encourage analyse, problem solve and troubleshoot
How can we ease DP into its new role? Its time for DP to come out from under the rock Recognise DP professionals as experts Plan and provide adequate training and skill development Stop calling it DP
4. Putting it all together
Plan for a successful migration Set up a cross-departmental task force Get top management involved hands on Work hard to break down any traditional barriers and recognise genuine concerns
Customize the software Be prepared to customize the software at the implementation stage Customization should be an ongoing process DP should be reskilled to be able to perform this task
Take everyone along Keep everyone in the picture through frequent, lively communication Run demos and seminars to ensure everyone understands Ensure communication can flow in both directions and listen to peoples concerns
Build new skills Plan effective training from the beginning Train tasks and skills, not technology Recognise that the whole organization needs to learn, though feedback
And… And remember, those extra chairs are for people to sit on, not for somewhere to rest a pile of crosstabs.