The Northern California DX Foundation W9DXCC 20 September, 2008 Chicago
2 NCDXF-W9DXCC-2008.ppt 20-Sep-2008 Outline ■ NCDXF background ■ Recent DX operations supported by NCDXF ■ The lesser-known side of NCDXF ► NCDXF worldwide beacon system ► Other NCDXF activities ■ How can YOU help? ■ What can WE do to improve? ■ Summary
3 NCDXF-W9DXCC-2008.ppt 20-Sep-2008 NCDXF Background ■ Founded in 1972 ■ Significant initial capital donation from Lee Shaklee, W6BH ■ Key revenue sources today: 1. Contributions (~75%) 2. Investment income (~25%) ■ NCDXF is a not-for-profit organization ► No compensation for officers, directors or advisors ► Very low overhead expenses ► No paid staff
4 NCDXF-W9DXCC-2008.ppt 20-Sep-2008 NCDXF Background (cont.) ■ Although the words “Northern California” still appear in its title, the activities of the Foundation are international in scope, rather than regional ■ It's not just a W6 thing! ► More than 900 active members ► Members live in 42 different countries! ► More than 21% of NCDXF members live outside the U.S. ■ First sponsored DXpedition: XU1AA (1973)
5 NCDXF-W9DXCC-2008.ppt 20-Sep-2008 DX Operations Supported by NCDXF Since April, 2007 ■ N8S ■ BS7H ■ S21B ■ 3B7C ■ 9UØA ■ 3C7Y ■ 5L2MS ■ OJØB ■ YK9SV ■ FJ/OH2AM ■ J5C ■ 9XØR ■ FO/OH1RX ■ YI9PT ■ VP6DX ■ TI9KK ■ TX5C ■ ST2008 ■ ZS8T
6 The Lesser-Known Side of NCDXF... NCDXF-W9DXCC-2008.ppt 20-Sep-2008
7 NCDXF Worldwide Beacon System
8 NCDXF-W9DXCC-2008.ppt 20-Sep-2008 Other NCDXF Activities ■ NCDXF Scholarship Program ► Started in 1997 with a $20,000 donation from W6EEN, ► Increased to $30,000 in 2007 ► To date, $25,000 has been awarded, while the corpus has stayed intact ► Recent scholarship winner W4WJF (age 21) is joining the upcoming VK9DWX DXpedition! ■ Newsletter sent to all contributors twice a year ■ DX Video Library ► Very large selection of DXpedition and other videos ► Available for club meetings, hamfests or any amateur radio gathering ► No charge! ► See for details
9 How Can YOU Help? ■ Individual donations ► Suggested minimum level is 50 USD/year ► Average annual contribution is ~75 USD/year ► You can sign up on-line: ► We now accept PayPal! ■ Club donations ► A growing number of DX clubs are making annual contributions to NCDXF ► More efficient than managing their own internal programs for supporting DXpeditions with limited funds ■ Equipment donations ► Equipment is either sold or forwarded to deserving DX stations ► Contact Chuck, N6OJ, for details ■ Stock donations—great tax benefits! ■ Estate donations—name NCDXF in your will ■ Buy some raffle tickets! NCDXF-W9DXCC-2008.ppt 20-Sep-2008
10 What Can WE Do to Improve? ■ How can we better communicate with our donors? ■ Are there certain features we should consider adding to the web site? ■ Would something like Twitter be useful? ■ How can we use our influence to make DXing better for everyone? ■ How can we improve the grant application process? ■ What new services or functions should we be considering? ■ Should we register as a charity with eBay? ■ What factors should we be weighing more (or less) heavily when reviewing grant requests? ■ Are there additional policies we should impose on grant recipients? ■ What can we do to help reduce the cost of major DXpeditions? ■ We truly want your feedback! Feel free to me directly or any of the directors listed on our web site. NCDXF-W9DXCC-2008.ppt 20-Sep-2008
11 NCDXF-W9DXCC-2008.ppt 20-Sep-2008 Summary ■ NCDXF helps make DX magic happen ■ NCDXF needs the support of DXers worldwide—it needs YOUR support to do its work! ■ See for more information, or to make your donation ■ Please me with any suggestions or other feedback THANKS to W9DXCC and ICOM!
12 NCDXF-W9DXCC-2008.ppt 20-Sep-2008