Florida 4-H 100 Years of Learning
4-H History The first 4-H club was started in 1902 in Springfield, Illinois. In 1908, the first 4-H emblem was accepted — a three leaf clover symbolizing head, heart, and hands. Which year was the first 4-H club started?
The 4 H’s stood for head, heart, hands, and hustle. Hustle symbolized how 4-Hers would hurry to help others. Later that year, the fourth H was changed from hustle to health. In 1924, the 4-H clover design was patented. 4-H History In 1911, the current emblem was adopted. What did the original 4 H’s stand for?
4-H History The original 4-H pledge was written in 1918 and said: I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service and my health to better living, for my family, my club, my community, my country, and my world. What did the original 4-H pledge say?
4-H History Florida 4-H began as early as The first clubs were in northern Florida — Suwannee, Columbia, Madison and Gadsden counties. In which year did 4-H begin in Florida?
4-H History At first, 4-H clubs only met in schools. Where did the first 4-H clubs meet?
4-H History They were led by agricultural and home economics agents from the University of Florida, Florida State University, and Florida A&M University. These universities each held week-long summer leadership and project competition events. Who led these early clubs?
4-H History Girls were in tomato clubs and were taught homemaking skills. What were the girls’ clubs called?
4-H History Boys were in corn clubs and were taught agricultural skills. What were the boys’ clubs called?
4-H History Yes. Not only did they have opportunities at county and regional fairs, but they also had agricultural judging teams. Did they have county and regional fairs back then?
4-H History Yes. The clubs were segregated by gender and race. Were the clubs segregated?
4-H History Camp Timpoochee was one of the first 4-H camps in the country and was opened in Which of Florida’s 4-H camps was one of the first in the U.S.A? What was its name?
4-H History In 1963, segregation in 4-H was banned. All members were integrated into one organization. Now, there was one state council instead of three. In what year was segregation banned?
4-H History In the 1960s, school-based clubs were replaced with volunteer-led community or project clubs. 4-H clubs began to move from rural to urban and suburban areas. Later, member-at-large families could form their own mini club. School-based clubs were eliminated and replaced with what?
4-H History In 1963, the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) was established. In 1963, the Florida 4-H Foundation was founded to secure private financial support. All 4-H programs came under the leadership of the University of Florida. Can you identify some of the changes made in 1963?
4-H History The 1970s. This event focused on state politics and was appropriately located in the State Capitol Building in Tallahassee. The ’70s also saw the beginning of School Enrichment Programs. In which decade did the first Florida 4-H Legislature meet?
4-H History The ’80s saw the number of volunteers grow to nearly 20,000 adult and teen leaders! Camp Ocala opens. 75% of Florida 4-H’ers live in urban and suburban areas. How many 4-H volunteers were there in the 1980’s?
Conclusion 1.4-H has evolved and expanded to meet the changing needs of youth. 2.It has grown from small agricultural- based clubs to a national organization that focuses on many different topics. What are the key points from this presentation? What changes will occur during the next 100 years?
Reference Florida 4-H Website Presentation created by Caitlin Hanley—Palm Beach County