“He is Risen!”
Nine Irrefutable Facts 1.Jesus of Nazareth lived in the first century. 2.Jesus was a religious teacher. 3.He was crucified. 4.He died. 5.He was buried. 6.His tomb was empty three days later. 7.His disciples began proclaiming His resurrection from death and salvation & hope through Jesus’ death and resurrection. 8.The apostles gave their lives for their faith. 9.The church grew in spite of great opposition.
Nine Irrefutable Facts 1.Jesus of Nazareth lived in the first century. 2.Jesus was a religious teacher. 3.He was crucified. 4.He died. 5.He was buried. 6.His tomb was empty three days later. 7.His disciples began proclaiming His resurrection from death and salvation & hope through Jesus’ death and resurrection. 8.The apostles gave their lives for their faith. 9.The church grew in spite of great opposition.
More Facts To Consider Jesus was prophesied to come to this world Written hundreds of years in advance His birth in Bethlehem Micah 5:2, Matt. 2:1-6 His family line 2 Samuel 7:12-17, Matt. 1:1 His death Psalm 22, Matt. 27, John 19 His resurrection from the dead Psalm 16, Acts 2 Isaiah 53 His universal dominion Isaiah 2:1-4, Luke 24:44- 48, Acts 2:1-41, 28:31, Colossians 1:13, 23 THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS IS THE ONLY SUFFICIENT EXPLANATION
More Details To Consider Jesus lived. Acts 2:22, extra-biblical references Jesus died. Centurion made sure John 19:31-37 Pilate made sure Mark 15:37-45 Jesus was buried. Joseph asked for the body, Nicodemus helped bury him with 100 lbs. of myrrh and aloes in linen graveclothes John 19: A new tomb (no other body within it). Hewn out of solid rock Mark 15:46. Sealed and guarded by Roman soldiers Matt. 27:62-66 Women took note of where and what had been done Mark 15:46
More Details To Consider Jesus’ tomb was empty the third day Luke 24:1, Stone was moved “up and away” John 20:1 Reaction of the guard Matthew 28:2-15 Not totally empty John 20:1-8 Do the math: orderly graveclothes plus 100 lbs. spices minus body equals resurrection Disciples saw Jesus alive that day 1 Cor. 15: witnesses! Fraud? Mass hallucination? Skeptical disciples now believe John 20:24-31
More Details To Consider Apostles of Christ began preaching the resurrection of Jesus. All were skeptical, now believe Luke 24:33-43 All fled when arrested Matt. 26:56 Peter denied Him three times Matt. 26:57-75 Bold before the same ones he feared two months earlier Acts 4:13 all but John killed for their faith Church grew in spite of persecution. Rev. 3:8-11 Saul persecuted the church then became most influential apostle Acts 9 You can add to this evidence by faith and obedience now