OUR VISION & MISSION OUR VISION To be the recognised Consultancy Firm with the highest ethical standard that delivers unrivalled superior services to our customers. OUR MISSION Our mission is to provide a service that is consummate in improving the effectiveness and competence of our client’s people. We strictly adhere to global standards and continuously provide our stakeholders with a platform for expressing themselves in the most innovative way
FOR GHANAHR Training is not what is ultimately important… PERFORMANCE is!
AT GHANA HR We help organisations develop their best asset ‘Their People (Human Capital)’ We understand that well trained employees are very crucial to your organisation.
For the HR Department We understand your need to contribute effectively to the bottom line. Your desire to be a valuable business partner. We also understand the need for you to make budget friendly decisions.
Its why The GhanaHR Training is.. Interactive fun filled, stimulate discussions and ideas. Cost effective
OUR APPROACH Lectures Discussions Individual Activities Group Case Studies Video/Audio Tapes Role Plays Individual/Group Presentations Questionnaires Group Activities Exercises Training
Two Types of Training Programmes Open - House Training In – House Training
Open House Training Address everyday issues Soft Skills / Effectiveness Courses Open to everybody We select a topic (Check Calendar) Identify a location Run Courses and provide certificates
Our Charges cover the ff Instruction by an expert facilitator Personalised manual and course material Meals Certificates
Our Open House Courses provides a platform for... Sharing ideas from a broad perspective Networking Getting an insight into other peoples experiences Opportunities to Share your company's experience & challenges.
In-House Courses Where we are invited by an organisation to conduct training for their employees on their time and in their own setting.
Our in-house trainings allow for: Tailored courses to cater for specific needs Substantive Savings - Cost Effective- Customised Solutions to cater for organisational problems. A Discussion of confidential business strategy Self Confidence- People learn with their colleagues and so are more comfortable.
WHY GHR Our modules are designed according to your peculiar business environment We provide you with well researched advanced training content Our training sessions are very interactive, practical and encourage discussions Courses run by very experienced facilitators We provide you with a value for money service
All our Trainings begin with a free Needs Assessment! The process by which GhanaHR strives to identify performance requirements and the "gap" between what performance is required, and what presently exists.
Needs Assessment We use the GhanaHR Assessment tools.. to uncover the most complex needs and try to identify the crucial business skill that is holding a particular business back
Two Focus Areas Macro vs. Micro Macro aligned with strategic goals three levels organizational occupational individual Micro initiated by performance problems or change assessment done to clarify problem, determine if training is the solution, analyze performance, and characteristics of trainees
Ghana HR Advises - Consultation If skill or knowledge……….training If lack feedback……………..feedback, standards If not motivated…………….rewards, consequences If unclear expectations….. measure, discuss If job environment…………change environment If potential……………………change personnel
8 BROAD COURSE AREAS Personal Development (Effectiveness) Human Resources Secretarial Sales/Marketing Management/Supevisory Financial Management Specialised
SPECIALISED COURSES Critical Elements of Occupational Health and Safety Induction and Employee Handbook Organisational Strategy Formulation and Implementation Starting and Managing A Small Business- An Insight Networking: Business Connections That Work Elements of Effective Security and Man Guarding Supply Chain Management
CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS We organise annual workshops with different themes covering various areas across Africa. Request for our training brochure and our events calendar.
Course Evaluation What we value most as a firm is the feedback we get from our clients/participants. We conduct comprehensive course evaluation after every course/session, to make sure that our courses make the right impact as we intended it to
“If you think training is expensive, try ignorance.” Thank You!