Stability Lab Information Manager Software by Stability Professionals, for Stability Professionals.
Software Highlights: 21 CFR part 11 compliance features Validated according to FDA guidelines Available for Oracle and SQL Server Flexible calendar functions Effortless inventory management Secure data review process Shelf-life projection and trending tools
Main Browser
21 CFR part 11 Compliance Features: Each user has a unique login name and password Timeout procedure Prompted password expiry
21 CFR part 11 Compliance Features (cont.): Changes are recorded in event logs, with the date/time of the change, name of the user, type of change, description of the change, user defined change control code and user comments...
Calendar Functions: Multi-laboratory scheduling of tests Generates weekly testing schedules, long term forecasts and late lists Highlights scheduled pull dates that are late
Inventory Management: Chamber contents can be viewed instantly
Inventory Management (cont): SLIM easily manages various inventory transactions, such as storing, discarding, and transferring stability samples.
Protocol Creation and Modification Flexible protocol design features Calculates the number of units needed for each storage condition
Data Review: Data entry and verification must involve at least two users with Analyst security rights. Approval of data requires the Supervisor security right. There are 3 steps to the data process: entry, verification, and approval.
Data Review (cont.): Data is entered, verified, and approved on the LWR (Laboratory Work Request)
Formulation Database: Ability to track formulation composition for each new formulation
Formulations Database (cont.): Batch Record - Ability to track individual lots of ingredients for specific batches
SLIMStat is a shelf-life projection software included with the purchase of SLIM Data is sent automatically from SLIM to SLIMStat Performs ANACOVA pooling of multiple studies One-sided or two-sided confidence intervals Arrhenius calculations for accelerated data
An example of 8 pooled studies
Trend analysis
Arrhenius Projection