ClassGrab Software Test Plan Computer Science Department University of Alabama in Huntsville Dr. Rick Coleman, Instructor CS 499, Senior Project
Recap The Team Jay Paul Gregory Zack Thomas Brandon Murphy Michael Hill The Project Course Scheduling System User inputs timeslots Produces a list of classes w/ times and locations
Terms UI (Graphical) a human-computer interface In our case, a website Comma delimited data file (CSV): A text file where data fields are separated by commas Readable by Microsoft Excel
Unit Testing (1/4) Object: ListOfDepartments Method: AddDepartment Purpose: Add given department to the list Arguments: Department Expected Result: Department is added to the Database Verify by:Query the Database for the added Department Method: RemoveDepartment …
Unit Testing (2/4) Object: Department Method: AddCourse Purpose: Add given Course to the list Arguments: Course Expected Result: Course is added to the Database Verify by:Query the Database for the added Course Method: AddTimeSlot … Method: AddBuilding … Method: AddUser …
Unit Testing (3/4) Method: Generate Schedule Purpose: Construct a Schedule Expected Result: Valid Schedule is created and displayed Verify by:The Schedule is displayed without conflicts
Unit Testing (4/4) Object: Building Method: AddRoom …
Acceptance Testing: Login Screen Login Screen Loaded by Class Grab URL User Input: Address Password Authenticate the user Navigate to the landing page
Acceptance Testing: Navigation Tabs Navigate to Appropriate page
Acceptance Testing: Classes Tab Classes Tab List Classes Upon click, display list of classes from the Database Add Class Upon click, prompt user for Class data Success if Class is added to the database Class is displayed with a verification message Import Class Upon click, prompt user for CSV file, import the class data from it Success if Classes are loaded from the file Classes are displayed with a verification message
Acceptance Testing: TimeSlots Tab List TimeSlots … Add TimeSlot … Import TimeSlots …
Acceptance Testing: Locations Tab List Rooms Add Room Import Room List Buildings Add Building Import Building
Acceptance Testing: Preferences Tab List Preferences Edit Preferred Classes Edit Preferred TimeSlots Edit Preferred Rooms Change Password
Acceptance Testing: Schedule Tab List Schedule Displays Schedule with Conflicts Generate Schedule Create Schedule as per Algorithm List Conflicts Displays a list of conflicts Modify Schedule Allows user to edit the schedule Export Schedule Prompt for a CSV file to save to
Acceptance Testing: Reports Tab List Classes TimeSlots Rooms Faculty View Schedule
Acceptance Testing: Admin Tab List Users Create Account Modify Account Delete Account Import Users Export Users
Acceptance Testing: Logout User Clicks Logout Link End user session Redirect to Login page
QA Session Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?