+ Possibilities for mobile technologies applied in VNU-HCM Nguy ễ n H ồ ng Sinh Hoàng Th ị H ồ ng Nhung Central Library – Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh city
+ Purpose of the survey Determine whether mobile apps can be used to: Search and discover library catalog Check new book lists Note over due Renew materials Reserve materials, study room or computer Inform availability of reserved stuffs (materials, room, computer) Chat with librarian Read electronic resources 2
+ Aspects to investigate Mobile context Infrastructures Library users Technologies Personnel 3
+ Mobile context in Vietnam Second fasted mobile internet growth country in Southeast Asia (After Malaysia) A country with the highest spending levels on mobile internet (average $24/month) Mobile internet users are mainly from 15 to 24 years old Device: low price smart phone ($100) Device: fully equipped with advanced features (internet access, multimedia entertainment) 4
+ Infrastructures in Vietnam Telecommunication companies in services: 7 User fee: low Quality of communication: good to excellent Connection: good 5
+ Library users – Mobile users Using mobile phone: 99% 6
+ Library users – Device features 7
+ Library users – Mobile habits 8
+ Library users - Expectations 9
+ Technologies – Free solution for mobile browser Use free mobile browsers such as Skyfire, Safari, Mozilla’s Minimo, Google Android, Microsoft IE for Mobile, Blazer to: Access library website Search OPAC Use online support services Indicate working hours and location of the Library 10
+ 11
+ Technologies – Paid service Establish free SMS Conditions: o Sign-up for a number at a telecommunication provider o Have an IP address static o Establish a page to process data when they come Obtain the following paid services with mobile phone: Check book availibility Receive overdue note Check the status of own’s account Renew materials Check overdue fee Receive availability of reserved book Check the working hours of the Library 12
+ Telecommunicatio n providers (Viettel, Mobilefone,Vina- phone,…) Library’s server Send SMS message Receive SMS message 13
+ Personnel 3 staff in Information Technology Department 6 staff in Information Services Department Note: These staff receive continual training 14
+ Mobile Technology impacting on libraries in Vietnam However, developing any new services is usually expensive and resource intensive. There are difficulties and challenges, that will be faced by libraries in VN. These are: Taut budget: When the economy is still in depression and libraries are operating with less and less money every year. Recent years were a very difficult years for all of us, and 2012, library budget will be cut yet again. The cost of providing new mobile services can include hardware, software, training, staffing, management, and time for research and development, which can all be quite daunting. Limited skills: A lack of technical experts among existing staff who can do the necessary setup as a barrier to development. Limited technology skills among librarians create problems beyond not having enough staff to do the work. “ Cost”, “No budget”, “lack of technology staff ” and “ limited skills” are the reason, our libraries now not yet provide any mobile services. Hopefully, as mobile technology becomes cheaper and the economic gets brighter, some of these issues will be resolved. 15
+ Mobile Technology impacting on libraries in Vietnam Next few years will be the years for planning, building strategies for mobile service delivery, learning about the culture of mobile users, preparing funds and prioritization of mobile services in our libraries. It is important that librarians has to understand fully the capabilities and potentials of the mobile technology and its use in libraries, understand user’s expectation and be able to make informed decisions about service considerations and technology choices. 16
+ Conclusions The Library can use mobile applications in its services Two options can be chosen from: paid and free services The Library will consider the related issues from these options and launch these services. 17
+ Thank you 18