Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 1 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) Model-driven demonstration prepared by CNES (L. Quintin de Kercadio & F. Jocteur Monrozier)
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 2 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) Model-driven process MOIMS UML Packaging models Resulting Packaging XML Schema Discussion
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 3 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) UML Editor (MagicDraw) UML Models (XMI documents) XSLT Processor produces edit generates XML schema for a UML model (XSD file) input of used by Ex : Packaging models Ex: Packaging XML schema CCSDS standard CCSDS working group CCSDS users Communnity Simplified « model » to « target » process Benefits: technology independant, graphic representation, model library reuse, permits to focus on « needs » not on technology issues. Other technology …
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 4 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) UML Editor (MagicDraw) UML profile for XML Schema UML Models (XMI documents) uses XSLT Processor uses UML to XML mapping rules (XSLT files) based on produces edit generates XML schema for a UML model (XSD file) used by input of used by Ex : Packaging models Ex: Packaging XML schema OMG or W3C standard ? OMG or CCSDS SEA standard ? (one by target technology) CCSDS standard CCSDS Any working group CCSDS users Communnity Real « model » to « target » process
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 5 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) Model-driven process MOIMS UML Packaging models Resulting Packaging XML Schema Discussion
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 6 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) This work is made as a demonstrator of a model-driven approach. It does NOT aims to tell MOIMS IPR WG how to do their XML schema as the work is close to the end. The following models are the results of a reverse engineering done from existing XML Schema defined by MOIMS IPR working group. All elements of the present models are marked with stereotypes. In future, only model elements that have particular mapping rules (different from a standard one) will be marked. The objectives are to : show (if it is needed) that UML is more comprehensive that XML Schema generate an XML Schema from these models and to compare it with the existing one. Notes:
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 7 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) Xfdu structure overview
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 8 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) BASIC TYPES
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 9 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) packageHeader class diagram
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 10 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) informationPackageMap class diagram
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 11 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) dataObjectSection class diagram
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 12 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) metadataSection class diagram
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 13 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) behaviorSection class diagram
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 14 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) Model-driven process MOIMS UML Packaging models Resulting Packaging XML Schema Discussion
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 15 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) You can compare the initial and generated XML Schema definitions (see accompanying materials). There is no major differences. The demonstration has been made using Xastro (XSLT file) to transform XMI document into XSD document. The XML schema generated is equivalent to the existing one, only some technical issues remains to capture some XML concepts (i.e. restrictions, choice …) but nothing appears to be infeasible. Conclusion : model-driven approach is possible for Information viewpoint.
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 16 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) Model-driven process MOIMS UML Packaging models Resulting Packaging XML Schema Discussion
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 17 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) Do we need a similar demonstration for another working group (ex : MOIMS Navigation) ? The demonstration will be completed by CNES in order to resolve some of the technical issues. CNES will develop its own XSLT file. Can this approach be generalised to RASDS viewpoints ? If so, how do we proceed ? Do we “implement” a global approach or by viewpoint increments ?
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 18 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) RASDS Information viewpoint: this approach proposes no extensions (profile) but it imposes to “mark” some model elements* to enable target technology generation * : it is called a PSM (Platform Specific Model) in OMG/MDA terminology. How do we manage model library in order to allow model reuse ? It’s a very important point in order to ensure coherency and no data type definition duplication.
Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre 19 Model-driven demonstration applied to Packaging models (MOIMS IPR) Work to do: Write a CCSDS “UML to XML mapping rules” standard, Develop a reference implementation (an xslt file for xmi1.2) Write a guide to define UML Information models using this approach. (CNES could contribute for the 2 first). The same approach should be done for other viewpoints. CNES proposes to put the priority on “service” definition (Information + Functional viewpoints) following a similar model-driven approach. If all agencies agree with this approach Impacts on other WG: This approach should be applied by “new” working groups (MOIMS Nav, SEA SANA, …) The working groups in progress (CSSA SLE SM, MOIMS IPR, ??) have to decide on their own if they’d like to adopt or not this approach.