Click to edit Master title style nFocus Software Testing e-Innovation Centre Shifnal Road Telford TF2 9FT Tel: Notes MAY accompany this presentation, please select notes page view © nFocus Ltd 2005 all rights reserved. These materials can be reproduced only with nFocus official approval. Approvals may be requested via – Test Management Summit Institute of Directors Pall Mall 31 st January 2007 Sam Clarke Principal Consultant Software Testing Metrics, estimating and planning
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved2 Agenda What is the problem? Why do we need estimates, metrics and plans? Metrics Estimating Planning Workshop Summary and wrap up
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved3 Whats the problem? What! But we still need to do more testing My users and I just dont know I need more time Phew Id better ask my guys if the solution is really ready OK so, the solution is complete and ready to implement, lets do it I am not sure that new failover procedure will work I need more time Poor information
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved4 So why are we testing? To add value by reducing the risk of bugs in production, increase confidence of a successful deployment and deliver objective information on the state of the system and the process by which it was developed Risk ConfidenceInformation Best Value Not delivering business benefits Damaging existing systems Implementing an unreliable system Developed to plan Complete Meets requirements Quality acceptable Quality of the system Quality of development process Residual risks after testing
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved5 Metrics - categories Metrics For project management Quality of the system under test Quality development and test process Progress Coverage Risks Reliability Residual risk Effectiveness Efficiency Risks of not measuring?
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved6 Estimating Project constraints Cost Quality levels required Time Process Infrastructure Outside dependencies Personnel Time Tools Coverage Defect detection Performance Usability etc Risks of poor estimating
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved7 Estimating techniques Estimating Work breakdown Own experience Agile team approach Pros and cons of the discussed techniques Ratios Industry experience
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved8 Planning What is it for? Key content What is it worth? Risks of not having a test plan Experience PMI Who uses it? Planning Test Plan
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved9 Summary
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved10 Workshop rules and regulations Participate –We are all equal in the workshop room –During scene setting no discussion except for clarification Time keeping –Try not to digress –Any one can call digression timeout after 5 minutes –Anyone can call a break (within reason) Meeting Behaviour –Mobile phones and pagers off if possible (no calls in the workshop room) –Discuss one topic at a time –No side meetings –One speaker at a time –Be clear and concise –Have a positive can do attitude Workshop Recording –Flip charts are the record of the workshop proceedings –Silence is seen as consent –Issues risks and dependencies will be recorded and deferred –Important items but irrelevant to this workshop will be recorded and deferred I can change the rules!
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved11 Techniques Brainstorming Define the problem statement –What are we brainstorming? List ideas –Any thing goes even bizarre ideas (often triggers new ideas) –Be positive can do –No evaluation, judgement or criticisms –Try to expand on other ideas –Unlikely that there is a single solution –Revisit earlier ideas Evaluate –Classify –Accept or discard ideas Choose and agree PMI Plus point Minus point A piece of (useful) information Summarise and agree I can change the rules!
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved12 Workshop Let the action begin!
© nFocus Ltd all rights reserved13 Workshop Summarise and wrap up Evaluation