VirtualSim Inc. Real tools for virtual worlds Presentation
Company Overview Real tools for virtual worlds Company Presentation The VirtualSim company is the creator of vsTASKER – a mission and logic editor for real-time simulation and vsRAD – a radar visualizer toolkit with SAR module. VirtualSim Inc. is a well established start-up with products well appreciated by engineers for their performances. Early success includes signing up largest simulation distributorship in China, Israel, Singapore, Canada and Japan.
vsTASKER offers a unique approach to building real-time simulations and edit complex simulation scenarios vsTASKER uses object-oriented methods and graphical editing for the rapid design of : – scenarios – logics – models – communications vsTASKER is powerful, innovative and cost effective vsTASKER Real tools for virtual worlds vsTASKER Overview
Open architecture make it an easy choice for the rapid design of real-time simulations – complex or simple Diagrams are used extensively to simplify the design C++ code generator mixes user-code with diagram code First release V1.0 June 2005 – second release V1.5 launched at I/ITSEC 2005 Last release V3.2 August 2007 vsTASKER Real tools for virtual worlds vsTASKER Overview
What is vsTASKER? Real tools for virtual worlds vsTASKER Overview vsTASKER is a Scenario Editor Software designed to build real-time simulations with complex behaviors represented graphically, using visual boxes linked together. The user can pin-point his user-code exactly where it should be run, avoiding the burden of manipulating hundreds of lines of over-head code. Once done, vsTASKER generates C++ code to be integrated into any 3rd party application.
Main Features Real tools for virtual worlds vsTASKER allows scenario editing with the following: - Map editor (Arc-Info, DTED, Coastlines, Raster…) - Entity editor (Attributes, Commands, Models, Logics…) - Models (Component, Objects, User Code) - Logics (Graphical Doctrines…) - Knowledge (Expert System based on Rules) - HLA (1516 – 1.3 from Pitch or KD-RTI) - Sockets (P2P TCP/IP – UDP communication) - Viewers (3d Party Integration: OpenGL, VegaPrime, GEarth…) - Repository (Storage for easy reuse of all of the above) - C++ Code generation for Simulation Engine. vsTASKER Overview
Categories Real tools for virtual worlds vsTASKER Overview
Sample Screen Real tools for virtual worlds vsTASKER Overview A Drawing Area where the user graphically designs behaviors using the logical Objects provided in the toolbar. An Environment tree-list that holds all Logic, Knowledge, Entities and Scenarios belonging to a database. A Repository to store and retrieve general purpose logic and behavior parts, to accelerate the design phase.
Real tools for virtual worlds vsTASKER Overview Some demos Air-Traffic Control Cars in Parking Reactive Swarm
Real tools for virtual worlds vsTASKER Overview Architecture vsTASKER base library Runtime Controller Database C++ files C++ files generates On a mouse-click Logics + Knowledge Scenarios + entities C++ user code Interface 3rd party RTC Executable ready to be run 3rd party libraries S-Mem Monitoring Logging S-Mem Remote Control
Real tools for virtual worlds vsTASKER Overview How to use it? Behavior in C++ code + Integration modules vsTASKER libraries 3rd party application libraries Executable ready to be run
User-GUI Real tools for virtual worlds vsTASKER Overview User can also create his own simulation panel using his own design and language while integrating vsTASKER map displays and capabilities. API and public libraries allows runtime simulation panel to be easily built and customized. vsTASKER GUI is then used only for defining the Scenario inner components and generating the simulation engine.