The “People” of Learning Disabilities (The ASD Way) A little quirky and a lot bit random!
The German Guys Gall – First to take notice that brain injured adults showed aphasia that excluded other disabling conditions. Wernicke – Noticed sensory aphasia (fluent but meaningless speech) and problems with listening comprehension. Kussmaul – First to observe a reading disorder. His catch phase was “word blindness”.
The Other Europeans Broca – Studied the location of the brain which processes speech – this area of the brain was named after him. Developed the hypothesis of specificity in learning disabilities. Hinshelwood - Along with Morgan observed the first reading disorders in children. Their catch phrase was “congenital word blindness”. He went on to note a gender/hereditary link and suggested intervention options.
The Ladies of LD Grace (Fernald)– Created a lab school at UCLA which focused on remediation through multisensory approaches. Marion (Monroe) – suggested a discrepancy between achievement and IQ as a defining feature of LD. First to suggest individualized instruction. Doris (Johnson) –Published the “Green Bible” (along with Myklebust). Developed effective interventions. Barbara (Bateman) - Added the concept of discrepancy to Kirk’s LD definition (we’ll get to him later).
The Yanks Orton – He was phonics and a pioneer of dyslexia. He suggested mixed cerebral dominance rather than brain lesions. (Captain) Kirk – Worked on assessment for diagnosing LD. Developed the ITPA language test (one of the tests destroyed by Arter & Jenkins!). He penned (the bones) of today’s definition of LD. Myklebust – Wrote the “Green Bible” with Doris (Johnson).
The Wayne County Gang Strauss – The defected German guy. With Warner (the other defector) they said that it is a heterogeneous group. With Kephart they came up with “minimal brain dysfunction” and started the behaviorial movement in LD ID. Cruickshank – He studied and recommended modifications in classroom environments.