When do Buyers Research Homes on the Internet? Internet BuyersTraditional Buyers Time considering buying a home before contacting an agent 9.3 weeks4.0 weeks Time spent investigating homes and neighborhoods before contacting an agent 7.0 weeks4.5 weeks Number of homes visited with an agent 13.6 homes25.1 homes Source: “What Buyers and Sellers Want From Their Agents: Highlights from CAR Research”, July 10, 2009, Leslie Appleton-Young, CAR Vice President and Chief Economist
Buyer Internet Activities. Source: “What Buyers and Sellers Want From Their Agents: Highlights from CAR Research”, July 10, 2009, Leslie Appleton-Young, CAR Vice President and Chief Economist
First Web Site Visited During The Home Buying Process. Source: “What Buyers and Sellers Want From Their Agents: Highlights from CAR Research”, July 10, 2009, Leslie Appleton-Young, CAR Vice President and Chief Economist
Most Useful Web Site Visited During the Home Buying Process. Source: “What Buyers and Sellers Want From Their Agents: Highlights from CAR Research”, July 10, 2009, Leslie Appleton-Young, CAR Vice President and Chief Economist
People want video.
People prefer video. (Keywords consumers use to search Google.com)
Google prefers video. Google Universal Search Results Share of Universal Search Result Types Single Week in January 2008 Source: comScore, Inc.
People of all ages prefer video. Fact: Less than 8% of real estate professionals use video in their marketing. You’re home will have an advantage over competing homes in both quality and distribution. Source: 2008 Realtor Technology Report, NAR’s Center for Realtor Technology.
How do people share video?
My Partners I work with Look Ma! Real Estate Video to produce and distribute professional photos and videos featuring your home. I include CityTourVideo.com in your home marketing to reach more buyers and to help them do research on your home and the surrounding neighborhoods. I’m a member of the MoveVideos Real Estate Video Lab where I learn the latest and most effective ways to market your property via video.