Vowels( Ⅲ ) Vowels( Ⅲ ). cake facegamelakename /e ɪ / behehememewewethese /i:/ bikefinekitericetime /a ɪ / gogohomenononosesoso /ə ʊ / computer cutemusicpupiluse.


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Presentation transcript:

Vowels( Ⅲ ) Vowels( Ⅲ )

cake facegamelakename /e ɪ / behehememewewethese /i:/ bikefinekitericetime /a ɪ / gogohomenononosesoso /ə ʊ / computer cutemusicpupiluse /ju:/ Vowels( Ⅰ ) Revision

cap catdaddadmanmanmapmap /æ/ deskeggpenpenredredyesyes /e/ bigbigcityhimhimsitsitwith /ɪ//ɪ/ boxboxdogdoglongnotnotstop /ɒ//ɒ/ butbut cupduckrunrunsunsun /ʌ//ʌ/ Vowels( Ⅱ ) Revision

penhappycap /p/ bedaboutclub /b/ teaprettycat /t/ dayunderred /d/ cupkiteback /k/ gettigeregg /g/ homebehindwhowho /h/ mananimalroom /m/ nightknowrun /n/ drinkEnglishsing /ŋ/ lateplaypencil /ǀ//ǀ/ readeverywrite /r/ yearyesyou /j/ weekwellwhich /w/ Consonants( Ⅰ ) Revision

armartcarstar Vowels( Ⅲ ) More vowels / ɑ :/

armartcarstar / ɑ :/ tallwalkhorseshort Vowels( Ⅲ ) / ɔ :/ More vowels

armartcarstar / ɑ :/ tallwalkhorseshort / ɔ :/ eatreadmeetsee Vowels( Ⅲ ) /i:/ More vowels

armartcarstar / ɑ :/ tallwalkhorseshort / ɔ :/ eatreadmeetsee/i:/ breadheadheavyweather Vowels( Ⅲ ) /e/ More vowels

armartcarstar / ɑ :/ tallwalkhorseshort / ɔ :/ eatreadmeetsee/i:/ breadheadheavyweather/e/ Vowels( Ⅲ ) afterdinnerfatherworker /ə/ More vowels

Tongue twister Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. We’ll weather the weather whether we like it or not. 无论是晴天或是阴,无论是冷或是暖,不管喜欢与 否,我们都要经受风霜雨露。

armartcarstar / ɑ :/ tallwalkhorseshort / ɔ :/ eatreadmeetsee/i:/ breadheadheavyweather/e/ afterdinnerfatherworker/ə/ Vowels( Ⅲ ) More vowels

armartcarstar / ɑ :/ tallwalkhorseshort / ɔ :/ eatreadmeetsee/i:/ breadheadheavyweather/e/ afterdinnerfatherworker/ə/ coolfoodmoonschool Vowels( Ⅲ ) /u:/ More vowels

armartcarstar / ɑ :/ tallwalkhorseshort / ɔ :/ eatreadmeetsee/i:/ breadheadheavyweather/e/ afterdinnerfatherworker/ə/ coolfoodmoonschool/u:/ bookgoodlookwould Vowels( Ⅲ ) /ʊ//ʊ/ More vowels

How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. 如果一个好厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少个小 甜饼呢?一个好厨师能和一个会做小甜饼的好厨师 做一样多的小甜饼。 Tongue twister

armartcarstar / ɑ :/ tallwalkhorseshort / ɔ :/ eatreadmeetsee/i:/ breadheadheavyweather/e/ afterdinnerfatherworker/ə/ coolfoodmoonschool/u:/ bookgoodlookwould /ʊ//ʊ/ Vowels( Ⅲ ) birdgirlnurseword / ɜ :/ More vowels

letter groups Target sound ar al, or ea, ee ea oo oo, ou ir, ur, or er

letter groups Target sound ar al, or ea, ee ea oo oo, ou ir, ur, or er

letter groups Target sound ar al, or ea, ee ea oo oo, ou ir, ur, or er

Listen and choose the vowels that you hear. 1.a) / ɑ :/ b) / ʌ / 2.a) /u:/ b) / ʊ / 3.a) /e ɪ / b) /e/ 4.a) /e/ b) /æ/ 5.a) / ɔ :/ b) / ɒ / 6.a) / ɒ / b) / ʊ / 7.a) / ɜ :/ b) /ə ʊ / Sharp ears

Listen and choose the vowels that you hear in the words. 1.a) / ɑ :/ b) / ʌ / 2.a) /u:/ b) / ʊ / 3.a) /e ɪ / b) /e/ 4.a) /e/ b) /æ/ 5.a) / ɔ :/ b) / ɒ / 6.a) / ɒ / b) / ʊ / 7.a) / ɜ :/ b) /ə ʊ / Sharp ears

Read aloud / ′ red ɪ // ′ re ɪ d ɪ / /b ɔ :d//b ɜ :d/ /w ɜ :ld/ /wud/ /p ɑ :t//p ɔ :t/ Have a try

Wisdom Tree

Put the words in the correct place. /ʊ//ʊ/ cook /u:/ /i:/ / ɑ :/ /e/ / ɜ :/ / ɔ :/ /ə/ cool first foot free hall healthy never park player ready noodle start sport world team

Put the words in the correct place. /ʊ//ʊ/ cook /u:/ /i:/ / ɑ :/ /e/ / ɜ :/ / ɔ :/ /ə/ cool first foot free hall healthy never park player ready noodle start sport world team

/ ɑ :/ park start /ʊ//ʊ/ cook /u:/ cool foot noodle / ɔ :/ /ə/ hall never player sport /e/ / ɜ :/ first healthy ready world /i:/ free team Read aloud

/ʊ//ʊ//ɒ//ɒ/ booksbox

/ʌ//ʌ// ɑ :/ cupcarp / ɔ :// ɜ :/ walkerworker Compare the words Expanding

/ɒ//ɒ// ɔ :/ foxforks /e/ / ɜ :/ bedbird

Funny stories One day, a young man left his keys at the office, so he asked his friend for help. He said, ‘Please give me /kis/.’ keys? /ki:z/ kiss? /k ɪ s/

Funny stories David, how can you stay up late every night? I eat / sne ɪ ks / every night in the kitchen. snacks? / snæks / snakes? / sne ɪ ks /

1.shirt2.winter3.food 4.look5.car6.bread 7.clean8.talk9.turn birth winner noon wood bar dead bean chalk hurt Practise reading the following words. Who reads best?

Practise reading the following phrases Which group reads best? 1.a car in the park 4.cook at noon 7.clean the street 2.a girl in a skirt 5.look at the book 8.ready for breakfast 3.a nurse at work 6.walk on the wall9.after dinner

Listen and write /ti:m / team /ti:m/

Listen and write dead pool seem mall wool dark purse cancer

Homework 1.Review the vowels on P51. 2.Practise reading the following sounds. / ‵ k ɔ nf ɪ dənt/ / ‵ k ʌ ləfəl/ / ‵ kær ɪ ktə/ /kə ‵ rektl ɪ / /ə ‵ tend/ /di ‵ veləp/ / ‵ med ɪ kəl/ / ‵ hænsəm/ /dis ‵ kraib/ / ‵ kr ɪ m ɪ nəl/