This inspirational offering of love is provided to you by... inner child enterprises
Inner Child Productions ~ presents ~ you are...
at times we must look in the mirror
to see the beauty that we are
for only in our soul’s mirror
may we see that shining star
at times it is another
that makes us stop and look
at the pages of our life
and the beauty of our book
so stop and smell the flowers
they are as you are
come to know thyself my child
you are a wonderful blossoming star
you are ! YES...
One World... One Love
~ Love Brightens the Whole World ~
Thank You This was an “Off The Wall” Presentation Made in love for love for you... By ~ Bill ~
Produced byWilliam S. Peters, Sr. Poetry byWilliam S. Peters, Sr. TitledYou Are Music byMia Jang AlbumSweet Dreams SongLoving the Unknown Pictures and GraphicsPublic Domain (except where noted) Inner Child Enterprises Credits
Disclaimer Regarding Music in this Presentation : William S. Peters, Sr. nor “Inner Child Enterprises” is not in any way affiliated with the Artists, Composers, Musicians or anyone who has any interest in such. The Music that accompanies this presentation was included solely for your listening pleasure. Unauthorized Duplication or Distribution of the Music contained herein may be in Violation of the Artist’s) and their Associates’ rights. Inner Child Enterprises bears no responsibility for such infringements. Regarding Images Found in this Presentation: The photos and information contained in this presentation are considered to be in the Public Domain, as they were found in various places on the Internet. Some pictures were edited, enhanced or otherwise modified to transform them into images needed for this presentation. This presentation in no way wishes to infringe on anyone's Copyright. If you have found anything that you feel infringes on your rights I request that you me and I guarantee the item will be removed or altered to fit your wishes immediately. By this, I mean that if you wish for something to be removed, that is completely acceptable and we will do so immediately; however, if you rather wish that we credit you and link to your Site or your address, this also acceptable. Please be as detailed as possible when sending , as to the picture or writing material and the reasons why copyright has been violated, etc. We promise to be quick and efficient in resolving any copyright matter. If you have any questions concerning the disclaimer of William S. Peters, Sr. or “Inner Child Enterprises” which are not covered in this statement, please send with your questions to Your reading this text confirms your acceptance of my disclaimer. Thank You Inner Child Enterprises