XT30/XT50 Basic Training System Overview ****There are no notes for this slide.
How will this help you? This course will familiarize you with the alarm panel hardware and installation strategies so the installation will go smoothly. A smooth installation gets you home quicker with less headaches!
Objectives After completing this course you will be able to: 1) Understand the basic features of the panel. 2) Understand the different system options. 3) Understand how to access various system menus. 4) Pass the necessary exams required for your DMP XT30/XT50 System Overview certificate. ****There are no notes for this slide.
The Ultimate Objective After completing this entire XT series training course, you will be confident and competent in your ability to successfully install and program this panel tomorrow. ****There are no trainer notes for this slide.
Where we started Atlas Security DMP Founded 1962 Founded 1975 Atlas Security Service was started in 1962 by Marvin Britton, followed by the Alarm Control Center central monitoring station in 1963. Mr. Britton's desire was to provide security to the people of Springfield and the surrounding regions by providing quality security systems and quality monitoring services at reasonable prices. Atlas Security Service began to develop its own product that allowed traditional direct wire systems to be computer automated. As other industry breakthroughs were developed, Digital Monitoring Products formed as a research and development branch of Atlas. Founded in 1975 by Rick Britton, Digital Monitoring Products (DMP) has grown to become a recognized leader in network solutions for fast, cost-effective, centralized security monitoring in applications of all sizes. DMP helped launch the digital communications revolution in the security industry and continues to set standards for networked intrusion, fire and access control systems. The ideas that became DMP are based these premises: Reduce recurring central station expenses Increase recurring revenue from central station customers by offering unique and useful features on all DMP products.
Course Navigation This course is setup with several navigation buttons giving you the option to jump around inside each section. The navigation buttons work as follows: The home button takes you back to the beginning of each section. The information links to a particular piece of information in a section.
How do I install a panel today?
XT30/XT50 Description 12 VDC Battery backup The DMP XT30/XT50 Command Processor Panels™ are versatile 12 VDC combination burglary and fire communicator panels with battery backup. The XT30/XT50 panels provide dealers and end-users with the industry's most impressive array of alarm system features. The combination of capability, sophistication, and simple operation make these panels the obvious choice for all your burglary, fire, and door control applications. 12 VDC Battery backup Burglary, Fire and door control
On-Board Zones On board zones with Class B 1K EOL 3.3K EOL The XT30/XT50 panels provide nine on-board burglary zones. These are fully programmable zones that use a 1000 ohm end of line resistor for supervision. There is also one 12 VDC powered zone. This is an ungrounded zone suitable for fire type devices. This zone uses a 3300 ohm end of line resistor for supervision. The powered zone has a reset capability to provide for two-wire smoke detectors or other latching devices.
Keypad Data Bus Keypad bus support Supervised versus unsupervised support Multiple device support The XT30 and the XT50 support up to eight supervised keypads on the keypad data bus. An unlimited number of unsupervised keypads may be connected to the keypad data bus, provided an auxiliary power supply is used to power the devices. In addition to Security Command keypads, any combination of single or multi-point zone expanders may be connected to the keypad bus.
Expansion Zones Supported devices – panel dependent Unique addressing One address = 4 zones XT30=32 expansion zones XT50=48 expansion zones The XT30 and the XT50 keypad data bus supports up to eight supervised devices, which can be keypads, zone expanders or wireless interface modules. Each device has a unique address. Each supervised address is capable of supporting four expansion zones when using DMP keypads or zone expander modules. This provides up to 32 keypad bus expansion zones, depending on the panel model. The XT30/XT50 panels will support up to 32 additional expansion zones using eight supervised devices. The XT50 will support up to 20 additional wireless expansion zones for a total of 58 zones.
Annunciator Outputs Onboard outputs and location Several output options for assignment Switched ground output The XT30/XT50 provide four annunciator outputs that can be used to indicate a variety of panel activities. Location: Right hand side of board near the top. The annunciator outputs may be assigned to any of the panel's Output Options such as Fire Alarm, Communication Fail or Armed Outputs. The annunciator outputs are switched ground outputs. The 860 Relay Module can be connected to the J11 output header to provide SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) relays.
860 Relay Module 860 Relay Module Includes ONE relay Power for unit To provide relays for outputs 1 to 4 Includes ONE relay Power for unit 3 hole pattern Connect a Model 860 Relay Module to the panel to provide relays for annunciator outputs 1 - 4. These relays can be used for electrical isolation between the alarm panel and other systems or for switching voltage to control various functions. The module includes one relay and provides three sockets for expansion of up to four Model 305 relays. Power is supplied to the 860 relay coils from a single wire connected to the panel's auxiliary power terminal 7. Mount the module inside panel enclosures using the 3-hole pattern and plastic standoffs.
Central Station Communication Built in dialer, Ethernet and GPRS Communication types The XT30/XT50 panels have a built-in dialer**, Ethernet, and a GPRS cellular (optional) module that can communicate on three different paths. The 263G GPRS may be added at a later date if the panel was not originally equipped with such. The same is NOT true with ethernet. The panels can communicate to the DMP SCS-1R Receiver using the DMP Digital Dialer format using the dialer, Ethernet or GPRS. They are also capable of communicating to non-DMP receivers using Contact ID (Ademco) via the dialer. **Note: The XT50 dialer is optional.
XT30/XT50 Feature Review
How do I…? Use the special keys Use the command and back arrow key Use the select keys Access the user menu Perform a sensor reset or turn outputs on/off
User Menus Menu driven interface Functions similar to an ATM The XT30/XT50 menu system is designed to help your customers accomplish those tasks they don't do on a regular basis without having to find a user's manual. The menu structure itself is designed to be the user's guide. The user interface is designed to ask questions similar to an ATM machine. How many people carry an ATM machine user's manual in their pocket? Probably none, but most people can operate an ATM. The following slides will explain a few of the more commonly used menus.
Special Keys Special Keys Keys used to navigate the menu There are several special keys on the keypad that allow you to navigate the user menu. We will look at the function of each of these special keys as they relate to the user menu.
Command Key Command key Move forward through menu Also used to enter information The COMMAND key allows you to move forward through the status list to the MENU? NO YES prompt. Once you are in the user menu, the COMMAND key moves forward through each of the available user menus. The COMMAND key is also used to enter information into the panel's memory such as user codes and schedules. After you have entered the information and it is being displayed correctly on the keypad, press the COMMAND key to save the information.
Back Arrow Key Similar to backspace Erases last character Also takes you to previous menu Similar to the BACKSPACE key on a computer, the Back Arrow key is used when an error is made while entering information. Press the Back Arrow key once to erase the last character entered. You also press the Back Arrow key when you want to back up to the previous user menu.
Select Keys Function like ATM keys Different options display above them Multi-use keys Also for accessing user menu The top row of keys are called the Select keys. These keys function like keys on an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine). Each time a Select key is to be used, the keypad displays the available option above the key. This allows the Select keys to be used for many different functions. For example, you use them to select AM or PM when changing the system's time or to access any of the user menus.
Menu? No Yes* Accessing the User menu Code/Authority based To access the user menu, press the COMMAND key until the MENU? NO YES prompt is displayed. Once you press the Select key beneath YES, the keypad asks for a valid user code. The menu options the keypad displays are based on the authority level of the user code that was entered. The particular user menus the user code does not have access to are hidden to reduce confusion. ***Have class enter the user menu and look at different options available.
Sensor Reset Resets latching devices Displays progression The first menu displayed for all valid users is the SENSOR RESET? menu. Pressing any top row Select key drops power to the panel's fire or other latching devices for five seconds to allow them to reset. The keypad displays SENSORS OFF, followed by SENSORS ON to indicate the progression of the reset.
Outputs On/Off Control outputs Another common menu item accessed by end users is the OUTPUTS ON/OFF? menu. This menu can be used to turn on and off various system annunciator outputs that may control lights or other non-security related items. Press any Select key to access the menu. Enter the output number to control followed by the appropriate ON or OFF Select key.
How do I…? Add a user code Add or change a user code with the Icon
User Codes Add, delete and change codes One of the most commonly used menus is the USER CODES? menu. This menu is used to add new user codes and delete or change existing user codes. Press any Select key to access the USER CODE menu. Press the appropriate Select key beneath ADD DEL CHG for the task you want to accomplish.
Adding A User Adding a user 30 user codes - XT30 99 user codes - XT50 The keypad prompts you to enter the user number you want to add, change or delete. Enter the desired number followed by the COMMAND key. For example, on an XT30, the default user code is stored in User Number 30.
Adding a User Four digit code 16 Character User name Enter a four digit user code and 16 character name. The XT30 has 30 available user codes and the XT50 has 99 available user codes. The default user code is 99 and is always stored in the panel's highest user code position. 16 Character user code naming.
Adding A User Method on adding a user Standard or Master Scheduled or Limited (XT50 only) Once you enter the user number, the keypad prompts you to enter the new code number for this user. Enter the desired code number and press COMMAND. The keypad display changes to ask you if this code should be a Schedule, Limited, Standard or Master level user code. Press the Select key beneath the appropriate user level. Note that Scheduled and Limited is only for the XT50.
System Options Three system options are available All/Perimeter Home/Sleep/Away Area The XT30/XT50 panels are extremely flexible and allow you to configure the system to meet your customer's exact needs. The system options of the panels allow you to adapt the user interface to fit a residential, small commercial or medium size commercial system. The system options are: ALL PERIMETER HOME SLEEP AWAY AREA
All/Perimeter 2 Areas Applications: The ALL/PERIMETER arming is perfect for the simple systems that only require two areas. Arming is accomplished by entering a 4 digit user code, which displays the PERIM ALL prompt. To finish arming, press the Select key beneath PERIM to arm the PERIMETER only or press the Select key beneath ALL to arm both the PERIMETER and INTERIOR areas. ALL/PERIMETER can be used for small to medium residential or small to medium size commercial systems.
Home/Sleep/Away Three areas Extra area for ‘Sleep' arming DMP offers the friendliest three area residential system in the Industry. This provides added security for a residential system. Why would you want less protection while you are in your home sleeping than you would if you were away? The answer is you wouldn't. DMP Home, Sleep and Away allows you to assign some of the interior protection to a special area of the system called the BEDROOM area. When the system is armed in the SLEEP option, both the PERIMETER and the INTERIOR areas are armed, while the BEDROOM area remains unarmed. This allows you to provide more protection for your customers while they are most vulnerable, while they are sleeping.
Icon Keypad Add a user Button 4 + your code + user number +user code + level Press button Four and hold until the keypad beeps once then enter the following : your code + user number + user code and then the level to add a user to the panel. The User Number is how the system identifies a user. XT30 = 01 - 30 user number range XT50 = 01 - 99 user number range The User Code is the four digit number a user enters into the keypad to arm, disarm or to perform other system operations. The User Level - the user is also assigned a level of authority (Master, Standard, Limited, or Scheduled) to determine the functions the user can access. See below for User Code authority levels. Level 1 = Scheduled User (XT50) The Scheduled authority level performs all the system function of the Limited level during a valid schedule with the exception of turning Outputs on or off and System Test. Disarming is allowed outside of a schedule, but an Unauthorized Entry message is sent to your monitoring station. Level 2 = Limited User (XT50) The Limited authority level can perform all the system functions of the Standard level with the exception of Bypassing zones and Extending schedules. Level 3 = Standard User (XT30/XT50) The Standard authority level can perform all system functions except adding or deleting user codes. Level 4 = Master User in (XT30/XT50) The Master authority level can perform all system functions.
Delete/change a user Button 4 + your code + user number +user code + 0000 Press button Four and hold until the keypad beeps once then enter the following : your code + user number + user code and then “0000” to delete a user from the panel. This function can also be used to change a user code. Just delete the code then add the code back into the system. The User Number is how the system identifies a user. XT30 = 01 - 30 user number range XT50 = 01 - 99 user number range The User Code is the four digit number a user enters into the keypad to arm, disarm or to perform other system operations. The User Level - the user is also assigned a level of authority (Master, Standard, Limited, or Scheduled) to determine the functions the user can access. See below for User Code authority levels. Level 1 = Scheduled User (XT50) The Scheduled authority level performs all the system function of the Limited level during a valid schedule with the exception of turning Outputs on or off and System Test. Disarming is allowed outside of a schedule, but an Unauthorized Entry message is sent to your monitoring station. Level 2 = Limited User (XT50) The Limited authority level can perform all the system functions of the Standard level with the exception of Bypassing zones and Extending schedules. Level 3 = Standard User (XT30/XT50) The Standard authority level can perform all system functions except adding or deleting user codes. Level 4 = Master User in (XT30/XT50) The Master authority level can perform all system functions.
Area Up to 6 Areas Residential/Commercial application AREA arming is used for those systems that require more than 2 areas. Areas can be used for larger residential or small to medium size commercial systems. Area arming allows you to individually arm or disarm up to SIX separate areas of the system. When the Select key beneath YES is pressed, all areas the user has the authority to control will be armed or disarmed. If the Select key beneath NO is pressed, the keypad displays the name of each individual area with the NO YES prompts. Example: WORKSHOP? YES NO
XT30/XT50 Operation Review
You have completed the XT30/XT50 Overview course. CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the XT30/XT50 Overview course. ***There are no trainer notes for this slide.