BEN Volunteering by Third Country Nationals Experiences and Lessons from the Environmental Sector Judy Ling Wong FRSA. OBE. HonFCIWEM Director UK Black Environment Network
BEN Black Environment Network is recognised nationally and internationally as the pioneer organisation working for ethnic environmental participation Mission Statement BEN is established to work for full ethnic environmental participation in the built and natural environment
BEN There are unique positive opportunities within the environmental sector to support the building up of the: Relationship of people to people Relationship of people to environment
BEN The relationship of people to people Bring people out of isolation, and stimulate new friendships, promote integration Improve quality of life through providing enjoyment, somewhere for adults to relax and children to play, events to go to Giving structure to daily life through participating in activities and workshops Recognition of culture, knowledge and skills Stimulate the learning of language skills and knowledge about this new country within an enjoyable setting Visibility of participating and volunteering contributes to a positive image of newcomers
Opportunities and Activities Use and enjoyment of green space from inner city parks to the countryside at large An extensive range of free environmental activities (Botanic gardens, allotments, community gardens, outdoor activities in country parks, nature reserves, canals, community forests, city farms, creation of new green spaces) Other environmental activities that can directly benefit newcomers, e.g. books/bike recycling, childrens scrapstore, arts/crafts
The relationship of people to environment Provides a much need welcome in the local setting and further afield Connecting to environmental personnel who have information about resources Promotes a sense of belonging - getting to know a range of local spaces and people The familiarity of nature, including linking to the environment of their country of origin A sense of freedom in the natural environment Marking an environment with memory
Resources: Ethnic Communities and Green Spaces - Guidance for green space managers £7+£2pp Large range of free downloadable resources in the Resource Section of the BEN website Free BEN membership for community groups and voluntary organisations as needed BEN -Training, consultancy and advice services