Planning for Innovative Technology
Every Day Counts Rapid changes face the highway community in the 21st century Adapting to those changes must be a central focus of the FHWA. Every Day Counts captures a sense of urgency with which we must pursue innovation. Every Day Counts seeks to identify and deploy innovation as its highly focused mission. Innovation will enable us to become faster, better and smarter.
Grant Application Process 3 Find Grant Opportunity for which you would like to apply Download Application Package Complete the Registration Process Complete and Submit the Application Package 3D Engineered Models for Construction Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge System Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems Slide-in Bridge Construction First Responder Training Geospatial Data Collaboration High Friction Surfaces Design Build Alternative Technical Concepts Construction Manager/General Contractor Intelligent Compaction and Construction Intersection and Interchange Geometrics Locally-Administered Federal Aid Projects Implementing Quality Environmental Documents Programmatic Agreements
Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP)
EDC2 Initiatives Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS) Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC)
GRS-IBS GRS ‐ Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil An engineered fill of closely spaced (< 12” ) alternating layers of compacted granular fill material and geosynthetic reinforcement IBS ‐ Integrated Bridge System A fast, cost‐effective method of bridge support that blends the roadway into the superstructure using GRS technology
Simplicity of GRS Three Main Materials A row of facing block A layer of geosynthetic Well compacted granular backfill
Benefits Reduced construction cost (25 ‐ 60%) Reduced construction time Construction less dependent on weather conditions Flexible design ‐ easily field modified for unforeseen site conditions (e.g. obstructions, utilities, different site conditions) Easier to maintain (fewer bridge parts)
Site Selection Single span (currently 140 ft. max) 30 ft. abutment height Steel or concrete superstructures Water crossings with low scour potential New or replacement structures Grade separation
Huston County, PA Challenges: Emergency closure in July School bus route NO use of alternate route after October 31 NO work in stream after October 1
Actual abutment construction time: 6 days! Total time of road closure: 112 days Time Savings
Comparable Cost Data Local Project Box Culvert (no paving costs) Locally bid and built with local forces $194,000 Huston Township Actual Project Costs “Soup to Nuts” $101,894 Contracted Design and Construction Box Culverts $500,000+
Defiance County, OH St Lawrence County, NY In-Service GRS bridges Defiance (30) St Lawrence (14) Both counties have a consistent savings of 50% when using county labor. Defiance County saves approximately 30% when project is bid. Two Bridges for the Price of One Bridge takes 10 days to Construct Beginning GRS Abutment Precast Beams Placed Complete
Ease of Construction Typical Sized Labor Crew with a Centrally Located Track hoe
Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) Designer and Contractor work collaboratively to develop the project scope, optimize the design, improve quality, and manage costs Owner Construction Manager Designer
Accelerated Project Delivery Design Bid Build (D-B-B) Low bid legacy delivery system Agency responsible for errors and omissions Design Build (D-B) Single point of responsibility contract Minimal owner control Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC) Three way partnership Owner led
Virgin River Trail Washington City, Utah Construction Manager helped determine trail alignment Contractor input eliminated blasting and minimized excavation Saved $200,000
Bitter Creek Bridge Grand County, Utah Originally slated for full replacement at $4.0 M Resulted in simple bridge girder repair Final cost was $400 K
A Tale of Two Bridges Same Project Manger – Different Outcome Pennywash Creek Bridge 0 CM/GC delivery method 0 5 week delivery – 1 week ahead of schedule 0 10% under initial budget 0 Designed around pre-fab girder 0 No claims, no change orders Kemper Road Bridge 0 Low- Bid system 0 5 week delivery – 1 month behind schedule 0 30% over budget 0 Change orders and claims during construction
What You Should Know CM/GC is a qualifications-based, negotiated-price contract Requires a “teaming” mentality CM can be brought into the project at any phase Experience shows biggest benefit is at the start of the project Owner needs to be open to new ideas Team adopts a “no change order” philosophy
1.Innovation 2.Reduction of Risk 3.Aggressive Delivery 4.Cost Management 5.Team Selection 6.Constructability 7.Streamlined Plans 8.Quality 9.Early Work Packages 10.Flexibility in Changing Project Scope Reasons for CM/GC Top Ten Reasons for CM/GC
CM/GC Partnering with Locals How Can You Increase Local Participation? 1)Determine sub-contracting capabilities prior to plan development 2)Incorporate Local specialty work items into the project 3)Provide an “equal seat at the table” in project planning, development, and construction 4)Bring Sub-contractors into the process early as advisors to the Owner - relating to “constructability” and “means & methods” 5)Split bid items into multiple bid packages - enable Locals to build the volume of work that fit their capabilities CM/GC enables a Project & Program to be tailored for Local trade’s abilities, specialties, & bonding capacities -- enabling Locals to be fully engaged in a Project from Beginning to End