Libero Serving
Starting Position
Start: Scorebook Central HS L
Start: Libero Tracking Sheet Central HS
Libero Replacement after Sideout L2L
Scorebook: No Replacement Notation Central HS L
LTS: Replacement Noted Central HS L
Libero Rotates to CB L
Scorebook: Indicates Point for Sideout Central HS L
Libero Rotates to LB L
Scorebook: Indicates Point for Sideout Central HS L
Libero Rotates to Serve L772L
Scorebook: Indicates Point for Sideout Central HS L
LTS: Shows Two Replacements Central HS L2 L 2 Replaces L L Replaces 7
Scorebook: Libero Serves for Point & Sideout Central HS L On libero’s 1 st serve, put a triangle on rotation position. This is the only position in which the libero may serve in this game. 8 Points and sideouts when the libero serves are enclosed in a triangle in both the individual and running score columns
LTS: Libero Serves Central HS L2 L On libero’s 1 st serve, put a triangle on rotation position. This is the only position in which the libero may serve in this game.
Libero Rotates to CB L
Scorebook: Indicates Point for Sideout Central HS L
Libero Rotates to LB L
Scorebook: Indicates Point for Sideout Central HS L
Rotate – Libero Must Come Out LL
Scorebook: Libero Cannot Serve in Rotation 1 Central HS L Libero can only serve in rotation 4
LTS: Libero Cannot Serve in Rotation 1; Replacement Central HS L2 L7 Libero can only serve in rotation 4