小马托福 010- 62699622 让绝对词无处可藏 拿下隐藏 ALL 类题目 吕欣泽. 小马托福 010- 62699622 隐藏 all 型 Professional athletes do not deserve the high salaries they are paid. The advice.


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Presentation transcript:

小马托福 让绝对词无处可藏 拿下隐藏 ALL 类题目 吕欣泽

小马托福 隐藏 all 型 Professional athletes do not deserve the high salaries they are paid. The advice from our grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years. Movies and televisions programs should present stories in which good people are rewarded and bad people are punished. Young people should try different jobs before they take a career in the long term. In order to solve the problems in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past.

小马托福 同意不同意 隐藏 all A好1A好2A好3A好1A好2A好3 (在一些情况下) A 好 (在一另些情况下) A 不好 /A 的对立 面好

小马托福 Young people should try several different jobs before they take a career in the long term. 方法一: Agree 一边倒 ( A 好 1 A 好 2 A 好 3 ) ①丰富阅历 ②学习不同的实践技能,提高能力 ③发现自己真正的职业爱好

小马托福 接触不同的人,不同的职业,拓展自己的视野 ; 人生只有一次, 多经历一些可以使生命更多彩 在步入社会之前,年轻人都在学校学习,生活比较单一,在找 到一份长久的工作前尝试不同的工作可以丰富自己的阅历 丰富阅历

小马托福 We can acquaint ourselves with all walks of people and have a taste of diverse types of occupations, which can definitely broaden our horizons. We only have one life, and why not make it more colorful? Prior to stepping in the society, young people generally spend their time studying on campus, which is critical but monotonous. Before taking up a long-term job, it is of great importance for us to try various jobs. Before settling down in a long-term career, trying several different jobs can enrich young people’s experiences.

小马托福 此外,我们可以和不同的人打交道,沟通交流能力也会显著提高。最后,这 也为自己之后要从事的长期工作打下了基础。 当代社会竞争很激烈,一个人的综合能力至关重要。通过尝试不同的工作, 比如会计、教师、工程师等,我们可以学到不同的技能,从而提高自己的综 合能力。 学习不同的实践技能,提高能力

小马托福 Furthermore, it is likely that we will be dealing with all kinds of people in this process, which can greatly enhance our communication skills. Last but not least, both the theoretical and practical knowledge we learn from these jobs will lay solid foundation for our future permanent career. The competition nowadays is extremely fierce, where one’s capacity plays a significant role. Trying multiple jobs such as accountants, instructors or engineers, we can learn many useful skills. By trying different jobs, we can acquire plenty of practical skills, which will finally improve our comprehensive abilities.

小马托福 年轻人刚进入社会,不知道什么工作真正适合自 己,多尝试几项工作,可以发现适合自己的工作。 发现自己真正的职业爱好

小马托福 When initially entering society, barely do young people know what the most suitable job for them is. Experiencing various occupations can assist them in finding their genuine interest and gift. Engaging in different jobs can help young people discover their real interest and strength.

小马托福 同意不同意 隐藏 all A好1A好2A好3A好1A好2A好3 (在一些情况下) A 好 (在一另些情况下) A 不好 /A 的对立 面好

小马托福 Young people should try several different jobs before they take a career in the long term. 方法二: Disagree 让步 — 转折 让步:(在一些情况下) A 好 转折(在一另些情况下) A 不好

小马托福 让步 :“ 年轻人在固定一份长期工作前尝试不同的工作 ” 有好处 Admittedly, there are many benefits for young people to try several different jobs before they take a long-term career. ① First and foremost, before settling down in a long-term career, trying several different jobs can enrich young people’s experiences. ② Furthermore, by trying different jobs, the young can acquire plenty of practical skills, which will finally improve their comprehensive abilities. ③ Last but not least, young people can acquire plenty of practical skills through trying different jobs, which will ultimately improve their comprehensive abilities.

小马托福 转折: “ 年轻人在固定一份长期工作前尝试不同 的工作 ” 有也有坏处 ①浪费时间 ②迷失自己 ③机会成本

小马托福 转折 However, there are some disadvantages that cannot be ignored if the young keep changing jobs before they settle down. ① To begin with, it may turn out to be a waste of time if young people keep trying new jobs before they take a long-term career. ② In addition, some may lose themselves when changing diverse jobs. ③ Ultimately, they may miss some golden opportunities if they keep trying varieties of occupations.

小马托福 抛砖引玉

小马托福 起始段: Nowadays, it seems that the final goal of most young adults after years of education is to find an ideal job. Many people hold the opinion that it is more beneficial for young people to try several various jobs before they take a career in the long haul and they definitely should do so. Nevertheless, as far as I am concerned, I cannot completely agree with the statement because it really depends on a variety of factors and people’s diverse characteristics.

小马托福 主体段一: Admittedly, in reality, a number of people can undeniably benefit from trying many types of work. First and foremost, some people still don’t know about themselves even after graduation from university. Under this circumstance, this group of people can try some distinct jobs to find out what they genuinely enjoy and are really good at and at last they need to make a decision about their future career. Besides, owing to their parents’ perfect protection, a great many of young people nowadays don’t know too much about the real society.

小马托福 主体段一: It is very critical for them to start with several relatively simple jobs and gradually they can gain the abilities needed for a long-term career. Furthermore, there are other people who are both mature enough and very capable, but they enjoy travelling around to see all walks of people in the world. After spending some years’ of trying and searching, they may feel tired and can finally decide to take up a permanent job thanks to that they have already fulfilled their curiosities and no regret was left.

小马托福 主体段二: However, to those people who are pretty determined on the choice of their career they look forward to, it is better for them to settle down as soon as possible. An example preferred to be presented here is about my close friend Jane. Influenced by her father, she made up her mind to become a doctor since childhood. She has attended an expensive medical school for five years and spent every holiday working at hospital to gain internship and experience. After so long a time of devotion and fighting, she finally became a doctor.

小马托福 主体段二: I strongly suggest her not change her job and she definitely won’t. She loves her job whole-heartedly and spares no effort in perfecting it every day. There is absolutely no reason for her to try several jobs before becoming a doctor. Many people are just like her, who know their own goals very clearly and firmly, and spend years planning and achieving their ideal job arduously. For this type of people, it is much better for them to settle down as soon as they gain their dream job. Furthermore, some people who come from relatively poor families are also preferred to be settled once they find a job for they cannot afford losing them.

小马托福 结尾段: To sum up, to try several jobs before taking up a long- term one is tremendously conducive to some young people, but to other people, it is much better for them to settle into a steady job immediately when they find a one.

小马托福 In order to solve the problems in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past.

小马托福 以铜为镜, 可以正衣冠 ; 以史 / 古为镜, 可以知兴衰 ; 以人为镜, 可以明得失。

小马托福 同意不同意 隐藏 all A好1A好2A好3A好1A好2A好3 (在一些情况下) A 好 (在一另些情况下) A 不好 /A 的对立 面好

小马托福 In order to solve the problems in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past. Disagree 让步: Admittedly, under some circumstances, it is extremely necessary for us to understand the past. The history can be regarded as a profound encyclopedia when we deal with some current and forthcoming problems owing to that many truths and laws are eternally immutable. First and foremost, the experience and wisdom of past success can still be applied to some new-born problems. (Confucianism, experience of dealing with some natural disasters etc.) Furthermore, some former wrong doings would become valuable lessons that can be learnt from.

小马托福 In order to solve the problems in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past. 转折: However, when it comes to some unprecedented problems, there is no need for us to dig up the past. Our world is changing and developing dramatically, along with which a lot of problems that without precedent in history have been emerging all the time. Examples: H7N9, Hackers, PM2.5…… Faced with so many novel and intractable difficulties, it will definitely need some creativity and innovation.

小马托福 Thank you very much!