Mary E. Jackson
Background on previous ILL cost studies Explain why this study is a first Review the data collection instrument Respond to your questions Report findings after you have completed the instruments
ARL RLG Interlibrary Loan Cost Study ◦ 1992; Marilyn Roche ◦ 76 research libraries mainly members of the Association of Research Libraries ◦ Borrowing unit cost: $18.62 ◦ Lending unit cost: $10.93 ◦ Total unit cost: $29.55 ◦ Staff costs represent 76% of total borrowing cost 77% of total lending cost
Measuring the Performance of Interlibrary Loan Operations in North American Research and College Libraries ◦ 1998; Mary E. Jackson ◦ 119 research and college libraries ◦ Borrowing unit cost: $18.35 (research) $12.08 (college) ◦ Lending unit cost: $9.48/ $7.25 ◦ Staffing costs represent 66%/62% of total borrowing cost 76%/71% of total lending cost
Assessing ILL/DD Services: New Cost- Effective Alternatives ◦ 2004, Mary E. Jackson ◦ 72 research, academic, and govt. libraries ◦ Borrowing unit cost: $17.50 (research) ◦ Lending unit cost: $9.27 (research) ◦ Staffing costs represent 58% of total borrowing cost 75% of total lending cost
First ILL cost study for public libraries Simplified the data collection instruments ◦ from 7 sheets to 1 sheet Collect staff costs only Revised instrument tested by several CT libraries Staff to provide data for 8 elements Online form automatically calculates borrowing and lending unit cost Calculates total unit costs based on percentages from the 2004 study
Annual salary Fringe amount Hours worked per week Hours worked in ILL Hours worked in borrowing Hours worked in lending ◦ Each of these for each staff member working in ILL Number of borrowing filled requests Number of lending filled requests ◦ For your last complete fiscal year
Library Name: Line Reference Enter data for the following 6 items using one column for each staff member working in ILL. ILL Staff Member A ILL Staff Member B ILL Staff Member C ILL Staff Member D ILL Staff Member E A Annual Salary: (Round to the nearest whole dollar) B Fringe Amount: (Round to the nearest whole dollar) C Hours worked per week: D Hours worked in ILL: E Of the hours worked in ILL, how many hours in Borrowing? F Of the hours worked in ILL, how many hours in Lending? Please input data for the Last Fiscal Year G Borrowing Filled Requests: H Lending Filled Requests:
ILL units have different staffing levels ◦ From full-time professionals to only part-time staff ILL units have different procedures and workflow Some ILL units count reciprocal circulation in their ILL transactions; others do not Unit Cost is directly related to the volume of transactions, not the staffing level
Any questions about the instruments, the process, or what you need to supply? Any worries or concerns? Anything else?
Please send questions and the completed worksheets to: ◦ Mary Jackson ◦ Phone: (home) ◦ ◦ Fax: 301/ ◦ Mary will review and follow-up with any questions