Momentum is building around the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) within the UN family and across the world. They are the focus of our participation at this year's global conferences: the International Conference on Financing for Development recently held in Monterrey and the World Conference on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in August and September. They are integral to our mission. For this reason we need a clear understanding of how the MDG’s are a part of our work at the country level. The MDG’s comprise ambitious global targets for 2015 set by leaders from around the world at the 2000 UN Millennium Summit. They include: Halving extreme poverty and hunger Achieving universal primary education Promoting gender equality Reducing under-five mortality by two-thirds Reducing maternal mortality by three-quarters Reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB
Developing a global partnership for development, with targets for aid, trade and debt relief Ensuring environmental sustainability The MDG’s can be achieved globally but a large majority of countries are unlikely to reach them without concerted support from the international community, including resources, policy advice and advocacy. Because they grow out of development goals agreed on by the international community in the 1990s, the MDG’s take 1990 as their benchmark and they reflect longstanding priorities, beginning with poverty reduction. As we work with partners inside and outside the UN to build a campaign in support of the MDG’s, it is important to remember this continuity. You are going to see a short presentation of possible scenarios for Burkina Faso. It is important to note that the projections are still preliminary although they are taken from existing strategic frameworks such as the PRSP and the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF).
UNDP, like the World Bank, the IMF and the rest of the UN system of agencies are strongly committed to placing MDG’s at the centre of national development priorities. However, MDG’s need to be placed in the national context and global targets and timing cannot be imposed on countries. The HIV-AIDS pandemic will have a profound impact on several of the goals, such as mortality, school enrolment, nutrition, income and poverty. Processes like the PRSP can help define national targets that are ambitious but that remain feasible. Otherwise, MDG’s may lead to a perception of failure among actors who may then become defensive, and to finger pointing for inadequate performance. We must ensure that MDG’s do not escalate in such negativity. Our purpose is therefore to present a possible and realistic scenario for Burkina Faso, for discussion.
Comparative evolution of poverty reduction objectives Sources :MEF, 2002 et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002 Monetary poverty (%)
Halve hunger stricken population Sources :MEF, 2002 et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002
Halve the number of people without access to safe drinking water Sources : MEF, CONAGES et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002
Universal primary education Sources :MEF, MEBA et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002 EVOLUTION OF GROSS ENROLLMENT RATES
Gender equality in primary education Sources :MEBA et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002
Gender equality in secondary education Sources :MEF et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002 Ratio girls-boys
Two thirds reduction of child mortality Sources :Ministère de la Santé et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002
Two thirds reduction of maternal mortality Sources :Ministère de la Santé et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002 Maternal mortality rates
Availablity of reproduction health care services in urban and rural areas Sources :Ministère de la Santé et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002 Contraceptive prevalence rates (%)
Reversing the spread of HIV-AIDS Sources :CNLS et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002 Sero-prevalence in %
Recent evolution of wooded land and restored areas Source : Conages, Mars 2002
EVOLUTION OF MACRO-ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL INDICATORS Sources :MEF et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002
Financing essential social sectors Sources :MEF, PNUD et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002
Global funding needs for the development strategy million US dollars Sources :MEF, FMI et Initiative de suivi du Millénaire, Burkina Faso 2002