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Company Secretary and Private Secretary” PRESENTATION on “Difference between Company Secretary and Private Secretary” Presented by :- Bharat Hassani E-mail : akjbharat@yahoo.com Facebook : www.facebook.com/bharathassani1
INTRODUCTION Although, a Private Secretary and a Company Secretary seem similar, but they are different. There are so many difference between them just like their qualifications, responsibilities, functions and duties. Many of the functions performed by them are common, but the nature and scope of the performance is different.
WHO IS COMPANY SECRETARY..?? A Company Secretary is one who is qualified member if the ‘Institute of Company Secretaries of India’ He helps the Board of Directors of the company in interpreting the laws and ensures that all the compliances, required to be made by the company, have been made in time or not. Being an important member of the management team, a company secretary is expected to take a coordinated view of the entire business or functioning of the company and assist the management in taking proper decisions
WHO IS PRIVATE SECRETARY..?? A Private Secretary is a person whose primary responsibility is to maintain files, attend telephone calls, type letters and to carry out other clerical tasks in any organization they are working. For being a Private Secretary, no specific qualification is required. A person having certain basic abilities like good communication skills, in English and the regional language and also awareness about computer softwares, can become a Private Secretary.
DIFFERENCE POINTS – QUALIFCATION A Company Secretary is one who is qualified member if the ‘Institute of Company Secretaries of India’ Institute of Company Secretaries of India is a Statutory Body framed under the Company Secretaries Act, 1980. However, There are many Secretarial courses that a person can pursue to become a Private Secretary. Various institutes provide short-term and long-term Secretarial courses in India.
DIFFERENCE POINT – FUNCTIONS Functions of a Company Secretary (CS) Here are the functional areas in which a Company Secretary works and plays his vital role in an Organisation. Link between Company and Outsiders Annual Compliances Minutes of Meetings Management Duties Record Maintenance Legal Advices Company Secretary
DIFFERENCE POINT – FUNCTIONS Functions of a Private Secretary (CS) Here are the functional areas in which a Private Secretary works and plays his vital role in an Organisation. Personal Record Maintenance Travelling Managements Drafting of Documents Comply Given Orders Attending Calls & Mails Keep Appointments Private Secretary
DIFFERENCE POINTS - CORRESPONDENCE A Company Secretary has to issue Notices, Agenda for the Meetings of the company. He handles the correspondence with respect to shares such as allotment of shares, transfer of shares etc. and also has to correspond with Registrar of Companies, Stock Exchanges and other Government Organizations. A Private Secretary handles the personal correspondence of the employer and maintain a proper records of the same.
DIFFERENCE POINTS - LINK BETWEEN EMPLOYER AND OUTSIDER Company Secretary :- He is the official link between the Board of Directors of the Company and outsiders like Shareholders, Registrar of Companies, Stock Exchanges etc. He informed the outsiders about the decisions taken by the Board of Directors. Private Secretary :- He works under the direct control of his employer and his connection with the outsiders according to the directions given by the employer.
DIFFERENCE POINTS - PARTICIPATION IN COMPANY MEETINGS Company Secretary Participation :- The major responsibility of a Company Secretary is to conduct all the Meetings of the Company as required by Companies Act, 1956. He has to comply all the requirements regarding the Meetings. Private Secretary Participation :- The Private Secretary participates in the meetings as per directions given by his employer and has to complete all the given orders.
DIFFERENCE POINTS – MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS By a Company Secretary :- In this process of maintenance, a Company Secretary is compulsorily required to maintain records which are prescribed by the Companies Act, 1956. He has to maintain the records like Shareholders Register, Register of Directors, Register of the Contracts, Minutes of the Meetings etc. By a Private Secretary :- A Private Secretary maintains only personal records of his employer like Passport, Ration Card, Schedule Dairy etc.
SUMMARY In this presentation, we have seen many differences between a Company Secretary and a Private Secretary. They are different from their qualifications, functions and duties performed by them under an organization. A Company Secretary is a Secretary of a Company and fulfills his duties as prescribed by Companies Act, 1956, however a Private Secretary may be a Secretary of any private person and works on his directions.
“Difference between Company Secretary and Private Secretary” “Thank You So Much” For Your Precious Time A Presentation On “Difference between Company Secretary and Private Secretary” Presented By Bharat Hassani E-mail : akjbharat@yahoo.com Facebook : www.fb.com/bharathassani1