CD-ROM & INTERNET Khairunnisa Mohd. Yusoff Nordiana bt Zulkipeli Nor Syazani Izzati bt Foozi Norhafizah Hanoom Ahmad Azman Khan Noor Shakila Mahamad Sukri
Advantages & Disadvantages of CD- ROM in Education
Use of CD-ROMs Many types of applications of computers in schools today. Nearly all school library media centers have at least one station that is designed for database searches using CD-ROMs. Among the types of materials available are encyclopedias and research databases.
ADVANTAGES CD-ROM encyclopedia can be complete and unabridge. Allows options within the search process. - Students thus encouraged to explore the interrelationship btw ppl, places & events CD-ROMS include colour photograph, animations, videos and sound.
ADVANTAGES Students who have difficulty with particular word can point or click to get it pronounced or defined. CD-ROMs Books not only appear as text with pictures but are also interactives. Background music or other sounds enhance pleasure of reading.
ADVANTAGES LEARNER CONTROL -Allow students some control over the rate and sequence of learning. SPECIAL NEEDS -Effective with special learners or at-risk students DIVERSE EXPERIENCES - Provide diverse learning experiences.
DISADVANTAGES COPYRIGHT - Cannot be duplicated without permission. HIGH EXPECTATIONS - View interactive programs as magical and expect learning to happen without or little effort. LACK OF SOCIAL INTERACTION - Learners tend to work on their own and little interaction with teachers or other learners.
DISADVANTAGES LIMITED RANGE OF OBJECTIVES -Not effective in motor and interpersonal skills domains. -Tend to teach at the lower levels of knowledge and comprehension
WHAT IS INTERNET? A computer system that allow people in different parts of the world to exchange information. Can use the internet to get info from websites and to send and receive message by . (Macmillan English Dictionary)
APPLICATIONS IN EDUCATION TEACHERS ololocating new lesson plans on the internet ococollecting informational websites for student research resources ococreating a classroom website to publish student work ododownloading free programs STUDENTS ororeading online stories ototake a test online ogogetting help with homework oSoSearch for related articles or information regarding subject matter opoplaying online learning games
THE ADVANTAGES Make lesson more interesting. Help student to understand better. Encourage good communication. Save time. Encourage reading habit.
BIAS The Internet is a collection of various services and resources. Approximately, 40% of households have internet access. It is suggested that the elderly, poor, uneducated and rural residents are underrepresented.
This could bias the results:- - do not know what the Internet is? - poor knowledge on the World Wide Web and its contents. - no , search engine, celebrity web sites, up-to-date sports’ scores, chat rooms. - low academic achievements > no educational portals or academic references on the Internet.
CHILDREN When children online, they can easily be lured into something dangerous. Most parents don’t realise the dangers involved when their children log onto the Internet.
When children talk to others online, they don’t realise that they could actually be talking to a harmful person.
- As a result, there have been many been cases where children have been convinced to meet people they have talked with online. - In fact, story seems to come out. E.g: A child or teenage lured into something foolish, dangerous, or even deadly on line.
Exposed to extremely inappropriate materials such as pornographic pictures.
- While surfing the Web, reading newsgroups, advertisements, or using . - Children come across such sites easily just simply because Internet are impossible to be controlled. - In other words, children want to explore new things; yet they are people on the Internet that are just too persuasive.
Pornographic sites tend to make sure that they are the first sites to be listed in any search areas. Pornographic sites tend to make sure that they are the first sites to be listed in any search areas. DO YOU KNOW?
Become a victim of theft – one of the worst privacy violations with potentially devastating financial consequences. The most common Internet crimes are “frauds and con games” obtaining money illegally, usually by tricking them.