At Start
Click within the table Add inert species Add Site Symbol s Add Particulat e automatically collects all the species after clicking on “Pre-process” Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 All the steps can be performed repeatedly in any order.
After Performing :: Step-1 We get this window. Add the Reaction and all the data, if needed Click Balance to balance the stoichiometry, then click on “>” to proceed and add more reactions, i.e., CH4+O2 CO2+ H2O and CO + O2 CO2.
Add inert species Click “Pre-Process” Produces
Species: extracted by clicking on “Pre-process”
Physical properties from database Data produced after “Pre-Process”
Species: extracted by clicking on “Pre-process”, an example with surface species and catalytic sites. Click “Pre-Process” collects fluid and surface species. Produces
Initial Conditions: List created automatically so data may be updated.