Click “NEW”
Adjust Dimensions
Set Chemistry
Currently we have Media_0, Click on each media name to view and supply its chemistry, i.e., add (1) Media_0 : CO+O2 CO2. (2) NO+CO CO2 + N2
Click “Pre-Process” collects all the species from all the media. Produces
Click “Pre-Process” to collects all the species from all the media. Note that site species COPt and Pt appear only in Media_1 Produces
Click on “Boundary Conditions”, then click on each boundary to setup
We clicked on the top left boundary, its name is shown and we select “inlet”, then click on the middle button labelled “Boundary Conditions” to set the numerical values as shown on next slide.
Set numerical values
Can import from text file or type manually. Can also specify the species at the inlet.
Select the lower right edge, setting the outlet then proceed to set values we get:
Click on the media at the center. And from the left pane, change its Phase to Solid,Porous. Change Phase Here Change Flow Here Change Diffusion Here Change Tolerances Here
Then we are ready to RUN with some default values of porous media
Changing the solid media properties: from the main window, Click on the “Physical Properties” to get the physical property displayed and change the appropriate data. This located at the same place as the chemistry display.