SBA Unit 8B: Building Commissioning Prepared By: David J Ellner, PE
2 COMMISSIONING 101 Definition History of Commissioning Why Commission? Types of Commissioning LEED Commissioning Economics of Commissioning Other Cost / Benefit Factors
3 DEFINITION Commissioning (Cx): Broad Definition A phased, quality assurance process, starting at design, extending through construction and continuing during the lifetime of the building. The Cx process is intended to assure appropriate and cost effective architectural and technology systems are properly selected, engineered, constructed and perform optimally upon Ownership acceptance and for the lifetime of the facility.
4 WHY COMMISSION? Created to achieve what would otherwise be viewed as best practices. Fills performance gap among traditional Owner, A/E, Contractor roles. Maintains focus on meeting design intent in an increasingly complex, regulated and litigious environment. Reduce long term risks associated with environmental and safety issues
5 HISTORY OF COMMISSIONING Cx introduced approximately 20+ years ago. Originally sponsored by Utilities / CEC’s ++ as a strategy to verify performance targets for energy efficiency projects funded by Utilities are met. Rigorous guidelines developed by PECI, ASHRAE, AABC and others. Introduced into new construction projects on limited basis, with emphasis on guidelines. Used more broadly on new construction with LEED accreditation as added motivator. Is currently in transition as industry absorbs its practice.
6 TYPES OF COMMISSIONING New Construction and LEED Cx Energy Efficiency Measure Cx Post Construction Cx: –Continuous Cx –Retro Cx –Monitoring Based Cx
7 LEED COMMISSIONING EA Prerequisite 1: Fundamental Cx EA Credit 3: Enhanced Cx Commissioned Systems (Required) –HVAC + Controls –Lighting + Daylighting Controls –Renewable Energy Systems Read the LEED Manual For Details
8 SCOPE AND RESPONSIBILITY SUMMARY SCOPE RESPONSIBILITIES Fundamental CxFundamental + Enhanced Cx Designate Cx Authority (CxA)Owner or Project Team Document OPROwner Develop BODDesign Team Incorporate Cx into CD’sProject Team or CxA Cx design review prior to mid CD’sN/ACxA Develop and implement Cx planProject Team or CxA Review contractor submittalsN/ACxA Verify installation of Cx’d SystemsCxA Verify performance of Cx’d SystemsCxA Develop manual for Cx’d systemsN/AProject Team or CxA Verify training is completedN/AProject Team or CxA Complete Cx reportCxA Review bldg operation in + 10 monthsN/ACxA
9 ECONOMICS OF COMMISSIONING Average Cx Cost Estimate Table: TOTAL BLDG. CONST. COST COMMISSIONING PercentageMid-Cost $400,000 - $2,000, %$15,000 $2,000,000 - $6,000, %$26,000 $6,000,000 - $10,000, %$47,200 $10,000,000 - $30,000, %$96,000 $30,000,000 - $50,000, $174,000 $50,000,000 - $90,000, %$245,000 > $90,000, % of first 90m$ $ of balance Based on CSU Commissioning Rate Schedule 6/07
10 ECONOMICS OF COMMISSIONING Factors impacting cost –Project size and complexity –Strength of design and construction teams –Cx entry point – early in design vs. late in construction –Cx scope options – Fundamental Cx + Enhanced Cx + QC + Peer Review ++ –Commitment of Ownership
11 ECONOMICS OF COMMISSIONING Benefits: –Required for LEED accreditation –Improves coordination from design, through construction and occupancy. Reduces E&O + change orders –Facilitates achieving design intent and results in efficiently operating equipment and systems –Jump starts a meaningful O&M program –Improved IAQ, occupant comfort and productivity –Reduced O&M costs / higher reliability
12 OTHER COST / BENEFIT FACTORS Constructibility reviews Integration of Cx Specs with other related sections. Avoid duplication and conflicts. Work with contractors not against. Combine Cx with QA/QC The scoping meeting / Definition of roles The role of controls Ownership support **
13 TECHNOLOGY AND MIXED USE APPLICATIONS Mixed use = Retail + Residential + Commercial Discussion Points: –Delivered versus on-site generated utilities. –“Smart” distribution strategies. –Utility vs. Sub-metering. Cost vs. benefit –Central Systems vs. de-central systems. –Controls and Security Questions