Cv Name Address Tel: PARTS OF A CV Identification Personal Profile Education / Qualifications Professional Experience / Work Experience Professional Experience Interests / Hobbies Additional Information / Additional Information Other skills PERSONAL INFORMATION EDUCATION WORK EXPERIENCE OTHER SKILLS INTERESTS
Identification Name Surname Date of birth Local address address Phone number (remember your international code number)
Personal Profile (= skills) good listener - caring and compassionate. great team-worker - adaptable and flexible. Excellent interpersonal skills - good communicator, leadership, high integrity, works well with others, motivates and encourages. determined and decisive; uses initiative to develop effective solutions to problems. reliable and dependable - high personal standards and attention to detail. identifies and develops opportunities; innovates and makes things happen. strong planning, organising and monitoring abilities - an efficient time-manager. emotionally mature; calming and positive temperament; tolerant and understanding. seeks and finds solutions to challenges - exceptionally positive attitude. critical thinker - strong analytical skills; accurate and probing.
Education / Qualifications Higher Education. Vocational Qualification in Business Services. Business Administration. Marketing. Economics. Finance. Bachelor’s Degree. BA.Econ Bachelor of Economics. BBA Bachelor of Business Administration. B.Bus Bachelor of Business. B.C.A. Bachelor of Commerce and Administration. B.Comm. or B.Com. Bachelor of Commerce. B.Fin. Bachelor of Finance. Master’s Degree. MBA Master of Business Administration. MEcon Master of Economics. Doctorate. DBA Doctor of Business Administration.
Professional Experience Company + Job + time e.g National Environmental Systems (Seekonk, MA) Applications Engineer Nobis Engineering (Concord, NH) Project Engineer 1996 – Current BOC Edwards (Wilmington, MA) Sales and Marketing Specialist
Interests / Hobbies Sports: skiing, tennis… Walking, Eating out, Cinema, Theatre, Photography, Collecting stamps, Cooking, Gardening…
Additional Information Driving license. Computer skills: Word-processors: … Presentations: Powerpoint… Web design:… Operating systems:… Database:... Languages: (+ certificates or level).
COVERING LETTER: polite and formal Say where you saw the advert. Say why you are applying. Give a short summary of your experience. Talk about personal qualities. Include a closing statement.