Lao PDR report on case managerment
Case managerment Case managerment action by Case managerment action by: Coorperation Helping Returning Follow up and Reintegration Case managerment action by Case managerment action by: Coorperation Helping Returning Follow up and Reintegration
1. 1. Coorperation A. A. Coorperation with each Country The country has sigthning the MOU togather about helping trafficked victims: -Coorperation with Ministry of Socail Development and Human Security (Bureau of Anti-Œtrafficking in Woman and Child) Coorperation with Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs The Socialist Republic of Vietnam A. A. Coorperation with each Country The country has sigthning the MOU togather about helping trafficked victims: -Coorperation with Ministry of Socail Development and Human Security (Bureau of Anti-Œtrafficking in Woman and Child) Coorperation with Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs The Socialist Republic of Vietnam
B. Coorperation in side country: Coorperation with Workship on central level for helping victim: -ŒCoorperation with Police(ATD)(Ministry of -ŒCoorperation with hospital for prepare service for victim(HIV...) ŒCoorperation with Center for countceling and Potection Woman and Child(LWU) C. Coorperation with NGO’s on technical and fund: IOM, AFESIP, VFI,UNIAP... B. Coorperation in side country: Coorperation with Workship on central level for helping victim: -ŒCoorperation with Police(ATD)(Ministry of -ŒCoorperation with hospital for prepare service for victim(HIV...) ŒCoorperation with Center for countceling and Potection Woman and Child(LWU) C. Coorperation with NGO’s on technical and fund: IOM, AFESIP, VFI,UNIAP...
Local level National secretary of commitee for Anti- trafficking Ministry of Labour and Socail Welfare Ministry of Public Security Lao Woman Union NGO’s Ministry Foreign Afare Ministry of Justic People public prosecut People spreme court Ministry of Health Ministry of Education Coorperation between cetral level and Local level
A.Helping : Return to Lao PDR or Victim return to there country( Foriener case) Safe place befor return to there family/country Give Goods, closes, foods... Health service Counseling and help victim planing there life to living with there family Support fund for vocational training and after finish trianing. A.Helping : Return to Lao PDR or Victim return to there country( Foriener case) Safe place befor return to there family/country Give Goods, closes, foods... Health service Counseling and help victim planing there life to living with there family Support fund for vocational training and after finish trianing. 2.Helping2.Helping
ReturnReturn Return from Thailand: (Lao’sTIP)Return from 2001until now is over 18 years old = 241 Lower 18 years old = 1448 Male 1624person, Female 65 person (Lao’sTIP)Return from 2008Œ2010 is 535 person over 18 years old =74 Lower 18 years old =461 Male 15 person, Female 520 person Return from Thailand: (Lao’sTIP)Return from 2001until now is over 18 years old = 241 Lower 18 years old = 1448 Male 1624person, Female 65 person (Lao’sTIP)Return from 2008Œ2010 is 535 person over 18 years old =74 Lower 18 years old =461 Male 15 person, Female 520 person
No Province age18+age18-Number returnee 1 Xayabouly Oudomxay123 3 Luangnamtha246 4 Luanprabang Borkeo Phongsaly011 7 Xiengkhouan178 8 Huaphan224 9 Vientiane municipality Vientiane Borlikhamsay Khammuan Savanakhet Saravan Champasak Sekong Attapeu178 Total Nambers of returnees from thai land since 2001 until now
yearage 18+age 18-Total Total Returnees since
Case interview and documentation Send request for family tracing and assessment Receive request for family tracing. forward the information to the provinces, where family tracing and assessment will be conducted follow up with the provinces on family tracing/assessment Receive results. Coordinate return community and family preparation Prepare and plan for return - Coordinate with partner agencies - Admin., financial and logistics arrangements Escort to provinces of returnees Coordinate with provincial level on return Receive feedback from home country in order to inform on good practices. Follow-up & feedback to agency and former host country. Prepare the returning person Follow-up Reintegration assistance Feedback to partner agencies in former host country. RepatriationMeet re and pick up turnee at Crosborder Thailand Laos Send results of family tracing/assessment to host country Perform family assessment Vientiane Transit Center - Interview by ATD - HIV/AIDS test - Service available for returnees - Psychosocial recovery activities Return and Reintegration Process
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