Vocabulary Workshop Unit #5


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary Workshop Unit #5 Level F

Amnesty Definition: (n.) a general pardon for an offense against a government; in general, any act of forgiveness or absolution

Autonomy Definition: (n.) self-government; political control Synonym: home rule Antonyms: dependence, subjection, colonial status

Axiomatic Definition: (adj.) self-evidence, expressing a universally accepted principle or rule Synonym: taken for granted Antonyms: questionable, dubious, controversial

Blazon Definition: (v.) to adorn or embellish; to display conspicuously; to publish or proclaim widely Synonym: broadcast, trumpet Antonyms: hide, conceal, cover up, bury

Caveat Definition: (n.) a warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding or discourage behavior Synonym: admonition, word to the wise

Equitable Definition: (adj.) fair, just, embodying principles of justice Synonym: right, reasonable, evenhanded Antonyms: unjust, unfair, one-sided, disproportionate

Extricate Definition: (v.) to free from entanglements or difficulties; to remove with effort Synonym: disentangle, extract, disengage Antonyms: enmesh, entangle, involve

Filch Definition: (v.) to steal, especially in a sneaky way and in petty amounts Synonym: pilfer, purloin, swipe

Flout Definition: (v.) to mock, treat with contempt Synonym: scoff at, sneer at, snicker at, scorn Antonyms: obey, honor, revere, uphold

Fractious Definition: (adj.) tending to be troublesome; unruly, quarrelsome, contrary; unpredictable Synonym: refractory, recalcitrant, peevish Antonyms: docile, tractable, cooperative

Precept Definition: (n.) rule of conduct or action Synonym: principle, maxim

Salutary Definition: (adj.) beneficial, helpful; healthful, wholesome Synonym: salubrious, curative Antonyms: detrimental, deleterious, pernicious

Scathing Definition: (adj.) bitterly severe, withering; causing great harm Synonym: searing, harsh, ferocious, savage Antonyms: bland, mild

Scourge Definition: (v.) to whip, punish severely; (n.) a cause of affliction or suffering; a source of severe punishment or criticism Synonym: (v.) flog, beat; (n.) bane, plague, pestilence Antonyms: (n.) godsend, boon, blessing

Sepulchral Definition: (adj.) funereal, typical of the tomb; extremely gloomy or dismal Synonym: doleful, lugubrious, mortuary

Soporific Definition: (adj.) tending to cause sleep, relating to sleepiness or lethargy; (n.) something that induces sleep Synonym: (n.) narcotic, anesthetic Antonyms: (adj.) stimulating; (n.) stimulant, stimulus

Straitlaced Definition: (adj.) extremely strict in regard to moral standards and conduct; prudish, puritanical Synonym: highly conventional, overly strict, stuffy Antonyms: lax, loose, indulgent, permissive, dissolute

Transient Definition: (adj.) lasting only a short time, fleeting; (n.) one who stays only a short time Synonym: (adj.) impermanent, ephemeral, evanescent Antonyms: (adj.) permanent, imperishable, immortal

Unwieldy Definition: (adj.) not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity Synonym: cumbersome, bulky, clumsy, impractical Antonyms: manageable, easy to handle

Vapid Definition: (adj.) dull, uninteresting, tiresome; lacking in sharpness, flavor, liveliness, or force Synonym: insipid, lifeless, colorless Antonyms: zesty, spicy, savory, colorful, lively