SketchUp to IES VE Recommended practice for exporting SketchUp models to IES VE
Required reading and watching Required reading and watching! IES VE SketchUp plugin tutorials and help files Video tutorials for modeling in SketchUp: Model it right in SketchUp
Step 1: Set up Model Properties Recommended actions: Set up the model properties before modeling (Window>Model info) Set up the geographical location and orientation and enable the North angle in model to avoid any confusion in later stages Use a common unit system for SketchUp and IES to avoid scale issues
Step 2: Model it right in SketchUp Recommended actions: Use 2D surfaces for enclosure instead of 3D elements. Keep checking for the closed geometry for every space to be analyzed during the model process to avoid complexity at later stage. Trim and erase all extra lines or surfaces periodically. While drawing shading devices which are not rooms, keep the geometry separate from the main building and then move it on the required position. Apply materials after all the geometrical modifications are done to avoid misleading surface properties. Do not keep any element as entity or group. All the elements must be exploded for proper export to IES.
Step 3: Check for rooms