Paul Scobie Troy Youth Assistance Presentation at: Leadership Troy April Public Forum
CASEWORK Provided casework/counseling services to 200 youngsters in of these were carryovers from were new 79 Male 47 Female Referral sources: 77 from police, 33 from Schools, 11 from Parents, and 5 from Community Sources. Reasons for referral: Alcohol and Drug Related (37). Prevention/ Counseling referrals (18). Larceny (12) Remaining 59 included Home and School Incorrigibility, Home and School Truancy, Retail Fraud, Malicious Destruction of Property, and Trespassing. Strategies used in casework efforts: Seek to prevent juvenile delinquency and neglect and work to build healthier coping and adjustment abilities. Youngster’s often complete essays, letters of apology, view appropriate videos, and complete community service. TYA caseload youngsters completed 310 hours of community service during 2007
FAMILY EDUCATION Offered fifteen Family Education sessions on the following topics:\ Active Parenting Now, Active Parenting of Teens, Kids Under Pressure and Teenage Sex: At What Price? 248 parents and students participated. YOUTH INVOLVEMENT Approved financial support for the following activities and programs: Athens and Troy High Schools all night parties. Spring Break Troy Style. Troy Baseball Boosters. Computer Reclamation Project. Halloween Candy Distribution. MENTORS PLUS Three one to one matches were active between youngsters and a caring and committed adult role model. These volunteers gave approximately 350 hours to their matched children during 2007.
CAMP/SKILL BUILDING Provided Scholarship and financial assistance to thirty four youngsters. Activities included Residential Camp (CYO), and Day Camp (Boys and Girls Club of Troy and Rochester Villas /Troy Community Coalition Program), and Oakland County Wild Adventure Camp. YOUTH RECOGNITION Recognized 92 students for significant contributions to community, heroism, and overcoming personal challenges in This year’s event will take place April 22, 2009.