Reviewing Katie’s talk Prepping VO/broll assignment Oct. 21, 2008
Domain name - What is it? Why buy one? The following example illustrates the difference between a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and a domain name: – URL: – Domain name: –Registered domain name:
What to blog about? UNC student blogs about technology, being editor at student paper: – Glossary of terms you should know: –
What to do with all this new info? Start a personal site, blog, resume LinkedIn – professional networking site Twitter – micro-blogging site Facebook - clean up your pages/photos or set up privacy groups so future employers can't see anything that would jeopardize your job prospects
Writing VO scripts 1. Active voice. Subject-Verb-Object. 2. Don’t bury the lead. 3. Short Sentences (It’s the way people speak). 4. Simple words. (You are writing for the ear). 5. Words complement the video. (see dog, say pekingese).
6. Edit interviews to the “point.” (don’t let them go on and on, edit it down to the real point and script around it). 7. What does it mean? (Explain things in simple, easy to understand language. For example, if doing a story on a change in the value of the US dollar you could tell the viewer, “Last year this bottle of beer cost you $1.50, This year that same bottle will run you $2.25.”). 8. Acknowledge unanswered questions. (There are times you won’t be able to get answers to an important question. don’t ignore it. Let the viewer know, you know there isn’t an answer.) 9. Active Voice ( I cannot stress this enough!). 10. Break any or all of these rules to make it better. »Source:
Review B-roll tips Look at syllabus for links to B-roll tips before you go out and shoot