1 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany Connecting the local: Mainstream programmes and local action in Germany.


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Presentation transcript:

1 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany Connecting the local: Mainstream programmes and local action in Germany and Berlin Dr. Reiner Aster gsub mbH Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung Oranienburgerstraße Berlin

2 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany Four examples from Germany Example I Hartz IV Reform Germany (since 2005) (conceived and programmed on national level, delivered on local level) Example II National Local Social Capital Programme (2000 to 2006) (linking supra-national, national and local level) Example III How the TEP Berlin – Neukölln is vertically and horizontally connected

3 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany Hartz IV: Link between national, regional and local level More decentralised labour market structure Integration of Public Employment Service and Social Security Service = new institution: Jobcenter (vertical meets local, centralised meets decentralised) Regional level (Länder) had to approve the reform (Bundesrat) and are partly in charge of controlling/ recommendations to the jobcenters decision making partly shifted to local level

4 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany Scope of the local level: Decides about internal organisation of the new body, based on a regional (Berlinwide) framework Decides about the job creation schemes and target groups, according to the local situation (own labour market programme) Decides about the spending of money (volume defined by national level according to labour-market indicators – three budgets: a) administration b)active integration c) passive transfers to individuals Central Bench marks: Activation rate, integration rate, individual costs of placement

5 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany Local social capital programme Links between supra-national (EU), national and local level Conceived and initiated by the European Commission Managed and facilitated by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Youth and Women Implemented on local level (Eligibility depends on: Local action plans, gender mainstreaming, local steering committee which decides on micro-projects, participation of stakeholders and residents, ESF and national funding regulations)

6 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany Example I: Hartz IV Reform Germany (Design: 2001, implementation since 2005) A: LocalB: RegionC: National Conceived Initiated& Designed X Programmed Managed&Facilitated XXX Implemented Acitvated&Delivered X

7 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany Example II: Federal Local Social Capital programme (since 2003) A: Local B: National C: Supra- national (EU) Conceived Initiated & Designed X Programmemed Managed & Facilitated X Implemented Acitvated & Delivered X

8 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany EU TEP Initiative 1997 European Guidelines and EES since 1997 Local Social Capital Programme Financing : ESF/ ERDF/ EQUAL TEP Berlin-Neukölln - Local Action Plan - Local Partnership - Horizontal - National Socially integrative City 1999 National Local Social Capital P. LLL – Learning Region Legislation Act Hartz I – IV Financing : Mainstream Labour Market schemes Regional Strategy Neighbourhood Management 1999 Strategy District Alliances 1999 Regional Local Social Capital P. Financing: Regional framework of LM- policies vertical E X. III

9 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany Conclusions – Lessons to be learned Success of national and regional programmes depends on sound local delivery and provisions, based on horizontal and complementary (cross-sector) partnerships Vice versa: Success of Local action plans depends on the close linkage with ……. LED approach of EES enabled decision-making going beyond the administrative implementation of national or regional policies (according to the principles of subsidiarity) Parallel decision structure: Institutionalised versus TEP structure

10 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany It`s easier to overcome political differences, department responsibilities and competences on local level in comparison to the regional or national level – its a major task to overcome such barriers There is a need to involve citizens and enterprises Pilot project by EU model project on local level mainstreaming on regional level Intermediary is necessary in order to link the different levels and to organise financing Balance between co-operation and competition, but co-operation should dominate

11 IDELE Faro 12 & 13 May 2005 – Connecting the Local – gsub mbH – Berlin Germany Thanks for your attention ! Questions permitted ……. Dr. Reiner Aster gsub mbH Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung Oranienburgerstraße Berlin Germany