Low Voltage Technology Pulse Generator Technology Lead Technology
Pulse Generator
1958, 8 October...
Identity ADx XL DR
Feed Through Telemetry Coil Sensor X-ray marker Capacitors Defib. protection Crystal
All bonding is doubled for safety reasons Golden Thread Welded Bonds
Magnet test rate Magnet Rate <99/min: (and normal energy consumption) 6 months F-U interval Magnet Rate ~93/min: (and normal energy consumption) Replacement within 3 months Magnet Rate <85/min: Immediate replacement Elective Replacement Indicator 98.6 BOL 86.3 ERI EOL EOJ
Stimulation rate EOLBOL Battery impedance kOhms Elective Replacement Indicator
Current drain µA 0,5ms1,0ms 1,0 Volt 0,5ms1,0ms 2,5 Volt 0,5ms1,0ms 7,5 Volt Single-chamber unit, rate 60min -1 and 500Ω lead imp. Intrinsic current consumption Stimulation current consumption Exemple of current drain
Lead Connectors
IS-1 Connector in the Header
Tightening the Set Screw
Silicone rubber sealing membrane How to find the set screw
VS 1 IS -1 Cordis 3.2 mm VS 1B IS -1 Different 3.2 mm Short Bore Connectors
IS -1 Cordis 3.2 mm VS 1B IS -1 VS 1A / IS -1 VS 1B / IS -1 Different 3.2 mm Long Bore Connectors
VS 1B / IS -1 IS -1 Sensolog* Dialog* Sensorithm* Regency* Paragon* Synchrony* Trilogy* Affinity* Entity Integrity Identity ADx Family * Integrity µ-size Identity µ-size ADx Family µ-size Microny Not µ-size cans * Not M/S version Connectors in our Products
Connectors M, 5 mm S, 6 mm K, 3.2 mm (IS-1) T, 3.2 mm (IS-1) Bifurcated 3.2 mm (VDD) C, 3.2 mm inline (VDD) (for old version AddVent, obsolete now)
Endocardial Myocardial Epicardial Lead position
Bi-polarUni-polar Polarity configuration
Advantages - Bi-polar Less risk of myopotential oversensing Less risk of musclestim. Less risk of Crosstalk and Far Field Sensing Advantages - Uni-polar Smaller diameter Larger spikes on ECG With a bipolar lead, you can program the device to e.g. stimulate unipolar but sense bipolar ( ) Uni-polar or bi-polar leads?
Far-field sensing Sensing intrinsic activity in the other chamber Crosstalk Sensing pacemaker- activity in the other chamber
Bi-polar Uni-polar IS-1 connector
Coaxial Coil Design
Passive Active Fixation methods
Passive and Active Fixation
Myocardial lead
J-shaped lead (1421T)
This fractal coating creates a microscopic area ~4-600 times larger than the macro- scopic area (~15 cm 2 vs 3,2 mm 2 (Isoflex)) Titanium nitride (TiN) coating
Lead position Inflammatory reaction Scar tissue Polarisation losses Insulation defects/ Conductor failure Factors affecting threshold
Insulation defect Conductor failure Lead defects
Reaction to sensing III 0=None T=Triggered I=Inhibited D=Dual (T+I) Rate Modulation IV 0=None R=Rate Modulation What is stimulated? I 0=None A=Atrium V=Ventricle D=Dual (A+V) S=Single (A or V) Multisite Pacing V 0=None A=Atrium V=Ventricle D=Dual (A+V) What is sensed? II 0=None A=Atrium V=Ventricle D=Dual (A+V) S=Single (A or V) The Revised NASPE/BPEG Generic Code for Antibradycardia, Adaptive-Rate, and Multisite Pacing, PACE, Volume 25, No. 2, February 2002 NASPE/BPEG Generic Pacemaker Code