1 VoluntaryMart SM Employer Informational Session Insurance products are underwritten by Fortis Insurance Company and presented by Time Insurance.
VoluntaryMart SM
3 What is VoluntaryMart SM ? A portfolio of supplemental insurance products that pay cash benefits directly to policyholders.
4 The Need for VoluntaryMart Rising health care costs translate to a bigger cost burden for you and your employees Higher premiums Higher health insurance deductibles Higher copays Higher out-of-pocket costs
5 Today’s Reality Benefits play a key role in recruiting and keeping good employees, but benefit costs are going up fast. VoluntaryMart supplemental insurance Helps you attract and retain good employees and Increases your employees’ sense of financial security and peace of mind without adding any additional cost for you!
6 VoluntaryMart helps hold the line on health care costs You provide employees with a higher out-of-pocket health insurance plan that reduces your premium costs and At no cost to you, offer employees VoluntaryMart plans – low-cost options for supplementing employer-provided health care benefits How?
7 VoluntaryMart Employer Advantages Plans require almost no employer administration Product offerings are customized to meet your company needs Affordable premiums are paid by employees Your benefit package is enhanced with protection that bridges employee coverage gaps
8 VoluntaryMart Employer Advantages You decide which products to offer Your employees choose and pay for the ones they want Convenient employee worksite enrollment Policies are mailed directly to employees
9 Other VoluntaryMart Advantages Individual policies that are portable Same rates for payroll deduction, EFT or credit card Rates are designed to be affordable are not expected to change Often sold in Section 125 context All plans may be sold to someone purchasing an HSA and a qualified High Deductible health plan Preferred/Standard rates on easily determined criteria Simplified or guaranteed issue Benefits paid regardless of other coverage
10 Section 125 Advantages Section 125 POP plans administered at no charges Full flex plans available at competitive rates FSAs reduce your FICA tax wage base Employer FICA and FUTA tax savings typically offset all of the administration fees
11 VoluntaryMart Convenience VoluntaryMart Website 24 hour/7day access Online Plan administration Online Claim Status Online Customer Service
12 The VoluntaryMart SM Products
13 VoluntaryMart SM Supplemental Insurance Plans Choose from 8 Plans (with Optional Riders) Accident Cancer Dental Heart/Stroke Hospital Confinement Sickness Indemnity Hospital Indemnity Short Term Disability Term Life With (Optional) Critical Illness Rider
14 General Eligibility Most Products Adult issue age: 18 through 70 All unmarried eligible children through age 18 (22 if a full-time student)
15 Dental At-a-Glance Base Plan(s) Coverage for 4 Types of Care Type 1 – Wellness: preventive care, cleanings, etc. Type 2 – Basic: fillings Type 3 – Major: crowns, root canals, oral surgery Type 4 – TMJ procedures Benefits are assignable Dental ID Card Issued
16 Dental At-a-Glance Base Plan(s) Scheduled Plans – no Reasonable & Customary cutbacks No Networks Graded Benefits* Children 15 or younger are eligible for Orthodontic Rider Type of ServiceYear 1Year 2Year 3+ Type 1 – WellnessFull schedule Type 2 – Basic50% of scheduleFull schedule Type 3 – Major20% of schedule50% of scheduleFull schedule Type 4 – TMJ2 year waiting periodFull schedule *Replacement policies receive up to one year credit, in effect, advancing benefits by 1 year. Individuals who replace existing coverage receive up to a 1-year credit which advances benefits by 1 year. Example: 100% of Type 2 benefits are paid during the 1 st year instead of the 50% that is usually paid for 1 st year policyowners.
17 Dental At-a-Glance Issue-age Rated based on each adult’s own characteristics Group discount given with the greater of 3 or more employees or 25% participation 10% 2-adult discount Per-child rate for Base/All-child rate for Orthodontic Rider Family Type – Individual, Individual & Spouse and per child rate
18 Dental At-a-Glance Benefit Summary
19 Dental Policy Optional Riders Inflation Rider Orthodontics Benefits Rider Expanded Coverage - Optional Riders
20 Cancer At-a-Glance General Eligibility Cancer-related medical questions for Base Cancer policy- There are only a few basic questions to answer and no medical exam to take.
21 Cancer At-a-Glance Benefit Summary
22 Cancer Policy Optional Riders Hospital Intensive Care Rider Return of Premium Rider Specified Disease Rider Expanded Coverage - Optional Riders
23 Heart/Stroke At-a-Glance Base Plan(s) 2 Plan choices Waiting Period Work site with less than five W-2 employees – 30 days from Effective Date Work site with five or more employees – None If Heart Attack, Stroke or diagnosed Heart Disease within first 30 days of coverage, no benefits for 2 years Waiver of Premium if totally disabled for 90 days due to Heart/Stroke
24 Heart/Stroke At-a-Glance Benefit Summary
25 Heart/Stroke Policy Optional Riders Hospital Intensive Care Rider Return of Premium Rider Expanded Coverage - Optional Riders
26 Accident At-a-Glance Base Plan(s) 2 Base platforms Base Plan Covering Off-the-Job Accidents Only Base Plan Providing 24-hour coverage for Accidents 2 Benefit Levels Base Accident policy can cover all family members
27 Accident At-a-Glance General Eligibility Adult issue age: 18 through 64 All unmarried children through age 18 (through age 22 if a full-time student)
28 Accident At-a-Glance Benefit Summary
29 Expanded Coverage - Optional Riders Accident Policy Optional Riders Off-the-Job Accident Disability Rider On-the-Job Accident Disability Rider Sickness Disability Rider Spouse Off-the-Job Accident Disability Rider
30 Hospital Confinement Sickness Indemnity At-a-Glance Base Plan(s) 3 Benefit Level options Covers sickness Limited benefits for accidents 6/6 pre-existing conditions limitation 270-day Waiting Period for pregnancy 30-day Waiting Period for sickness
31 Hospital Confinement Sickness Indemnity Benefit Summary
32 Hospital Confinement Sickness Indemnity Policy Optional Riders Additional Initial Hospital Rider Hospital Intensive Care Rider Expanded Coverage - Optional Riders
33 Hospital Indemnity At-a-Glance Base Plan(s) 3 Benefit Levels 5 Elimination Periods for sickness-related confinements All benefits for Accident and Sickness Outpatient surgery benefit 270-day Waiting Period for Pregnancy 30-day Waiting Period for Sickness
34 Hospital Indemnity At-a-Glance Benefit Summary
35 Expanded Coverage - Optional Riders Hospital Indemnity Policy Optional Riders Accident Benefits Rider Accident and Sickness Benefits Rider Additional Initial Hospital Rider Hospital Intensive Care Rider
36 Short Term Disability At-a-Glance Base Plan(s) Monthly Benefit amount in units of $100 Maximum Issue amount, the lesser of: 60% of gross income 70% for all in-force disability policies $5,000 monthly benefit Choice of: Accident Elimination Period Sickness Elimination Period Benefit Period Benefit Amount
37 Short Term Disability At-a-Glance Base Policy Benefits Policyowner Off-the-Job disability due to accident Policyowner disability due to sickness Waiver of premium
38 Short Term Disability At-a-Glance General Eligibility Adult issue age: 18 through 64 Minimum annual salary $10,000 Must be employed full time Guaranteed renewable to age 70
39 Short Term Disability Policy Optional Riders On-the-Job Accident Disability Rider Spouse Off-the-Job Accident Disability Rider Expanded Coverage - Optional Riders
40 Term Life (with Optional Critical Illness Rider) General Eligibility Adult issue age: 18 through 64 Employee or any adult in whom employee has an insurable interest Policy terminates the earlier of 20 years or age 70
41 Term Life At-a-Glance Base Plan(s) Minimum Face Amount $10,000 or $150 annual premium. Maximum is $250,000. Available in units of $1,000 or on a dollar-purchase basis Two times the face amount for death due to accidents Waiver of Premium after 3 months of total disability Monthly Accelerated Benefit for Long Term Disability Life and Accidental Death benefit paid to Beneficiary – All other benefits paid to Policyowner No Reduction in Face Amount due to age
42 Term Life At-a-Glance Advantages VoluntaryMart is level term insurance – rates never increase with advancing age Unique product features included in base policy are: Waiver of Premium Accidental Death Benefit Monthly Accelerated Benefit for long term disability Death benefit restored after 5 years of recovery from long term disability
43 VoluntaryMart Riders Recap (Available by Policy) □ ACCIDENT POLICY ( Variability in language should accommodate 24hr & Off the Job Accident policies rather than two forms) Optional Riders Off The Job Accident Disability Rider On The Job Accident Disability Rider Sickness Disability Rider Spouse Off The Job Accident Disability Rider □ CANCER POLICY Optional Riders Hospital Intensive Care Rider Return of Premium Rider Specified Disease Rider □ SHORT TERM DISABILITY POLICY Optional Riders On The Job Accident Disability Rider Spouse Off The Job Disability Rider □ DENTAL POLICY Optional Riders Inflation Rider Orthodontic Benefits Rider □ LIFE POLICY Optional Riders Accelerated Benefit For Qualifying Critical Illness Rider Spouse Rider Dependent Child Rider □ HOSPITAL CONFINEMENT SICKNESS INDEMNITY POLICY Optional Riders Additional Initial Hospitalization Rider Hospital Intensive Care Rider □ HOSPITAL INDEMNITY POLICY Optional Riders Accident Benefits Rider Accident and Sickness Benefits Rider Hospital Intensive Care Rider Additional Initial Hospitalization Rider □ HEART/STROKE POLICY Optional Riders Hospital Intensive Care Rider Return of Premium Rider
44 VoluntaryMart Customer Service Dedicated Customer Care Center 8am-7pm EST Policyholder Customer Care FAX line 24/7/365 24/7/365 Web site - administration, online EOBs and claim status World Class Customer Service and Claims Administration
45 Easy Enrollment Process Employee informational meetings PowerPoint presentation followed by question-answer session Applications taken on the spot
46 VoluntaryMart SM Questions?
47 VoluntaryMart SM Added Protection Superior Solutions