Jesus requires it, Luke 12:57 Jesus requires it, Luke 12:57 Use righteous judgment, Jno. 7:24 Use righteous judgment, Jno. 7:24 Acts 4: Citizens of Jerusalem and their judges would have to judge what is right! (Peter and John, too) Acts 4: Citizens of Jerusalem and their judges would have to judge what is right! (Peter and John, too) – +40 year old lame man now walking – The message associated with the healing is that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ 2
Message was interrupted by arrest, 4:1-3 Message was interrupted by arrest, 4:1-3 Those involved in the arrest: Those involved in the arrest: – The priests – Captain of the temple, cf. Acts 5:24 (Lk. 22:4, 52) – Sadducees, Matt. 22:23; Acts 23:8 3
Not by the political, religious or moral power of man, 4:5-6; 3:12 Not by the political, religious or moral power of man, 4:5-6; 3:12 – Sanhedrin: The highest Jewish tribunal (71) By power of Jesus Christ, 4:9-10 (3:6, 16) By power of Jesus Christ, 4:9-10 (3:6, 16) Jesus has power… Jesus has power… – To heal the body (lame man) – To build the house of God, Psa. 118:22 (1 Pet. 2:6-7; Eph. 2:19-22); Acts 2:47 (Matt. 16:18) – To save the soul, 4:12 (1 Tim. 2:3-6) 4
Jesus’ power to save is still offered and obtained through the gospel, Acts 4:12; Rom. 1:16 Jesus’ power to save is still offered and obtained through the gospel, Acts 4:12; Rom. 1:16 By what power (authority) have you done this? Acts 4:7 (Col. 3:17) By what power (authority) have you done this? Acts 4:7 (Col. 3:17) – Taught salvation without baptism? – Taught salvation by faith only? Grace only? – Organized denominations and called it good? – Used instruments of music in worship? 5
People can tell when you are with Jesus, 1 Pet. 4:1-4; 2:11-12 People can tell when you are with Jesus, 1 Pet. 4:1-4; 2:11-12 Being with Jesus does not depend on social status/human learning, 4:13; 1 Cor. 1:26-29 Being with Jesus does not depend on social status/human learning, 4:13; 1 Cor. 1:26-29 Will people “marvel” that we are with Jesus? Will people “marvel” that we are with Jesus? – See our faith in the face of trial? 1 Pet. 3:13-14 – See our devotion to truth? Acts 4:20; Jude 3 – See our faithful living? Gal. 2:20 – See the image of Christ in us? Col. 3:10 6
Judge what is right: Should you listen to man or to God? Acts 4:19 Judge what is right: Should you listen to man or to God? Acts 4:19 – A PARENT OR A CHILD ? Not before Christ, Matt. 10:37 Not before Christ, Matt. 10:37 – A RELIGIOUS LEADER ? Not rather than Jesus, Gal. 1:8-9 Not rather than Jesus, Gal. 1:8-9 – A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND ? Y OUR SPOUSE ? Not against faith in Christ, 1 Cor. 7:15 Not against faith in Christ, 1 Cor. 7:15 – M AKE UP YOUR MIND NOW – B EFORE THE TEMPTATION COMES, Acts 4:20 7
Under a powerful threat (4:21-31), they… Under a powerful threat (4:21-31), they… – Reported to their brethren, 4:23 – Raised their voices in prayer to God, 4:24-30 – Raised their voiced to men (with boldness), 4:31 Miraculous reassurance of God’s presence and approval Miraculous reassurance of God’s presence and approval We need boldness to serve Christ, Heb. 13:6 We need boldness to serve Christ, Heb. 13:6 The apostles’ boldness helps us be bold, Phil. 1:14 The apostles’ boldness helps us be bold, Phil. 1:14 8
Thousands judged the gospel true, believed it and obeyed, 4:4 (2:41, 47) Thousands judged the gospel true, believed it and obeyed, 4:4 (2:41, 47) Jewish leaders judged the miracle true, but the apostles and the gospel as a threat – so they rejected it by making threats Jewish leaders judged the miracle true, but the apostles and the gospel as a threat – so they rejected it by making threats Apostles judged it to be right to preach the gospel under threat Apostles judged it to be right to preach the gospel under threat 9