Jose Chinchilla MCITP: Database Administrator, SQL Server 2008 MCITP: Business Intelligence Design and Implementation, SQL Server 2008 President & CEO, Agile Bay, Inc. President, Tampa Bay Business Intelligence User Group “DBA by accident, BI Developer by chance, Geek by Choice” Blog: Twitter: Linked-in:
Agenda Terms and Acronyms Business Intelligence & Data Warehouse Lifecycle for Decision Support Systems BI & DW Define ETL, Analysis, & Presentation Layers Microsoft Toolset for BI & DW The Business Intelligence Roadmap: How to start the Business Intelligence journey? The Business Intelligence Maturity Stages Top 5 rules of wisdom for Business Intelligence success Demo: SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, PowerPivot Q&A
Terms & Acronyms BI:Business Intelligence ETL:Extract, Transform & Load DW:Data Warehouse KPI:Key Performance Indicator Fact:A business measurement Measure:A quantifiable business process Dimension:Breakdown measures according to an area of interest Attribute:Characteristics that makeup a dimension member OLTP:On-Line Transactional Processing OLAP:On-Line Analytical Processing Cube:Data structure that groups measures, dimensions, KPIs, data mining models, perspectives Metadata: Data about data Granularity:Level of detail or summarization of the data SCD:Slowly Changing Dimensions Alternate Key:Unique key from data source Surrogate Key:Unique key in the data warehouse
Typical Business Intelligence Lifecycle
“BI results when organizational culture, business processes and technologies are designed and implemented with the goal of improving the strategic and operational decision-making capabilities of a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.” - International Data Corporation (IDC
“BI results when organizational culture, business processes and technologies are designed and implemented with the goal of improving the strategic and operational decision-making capabilities of a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.” - International Data Corporation (IDC
Culture, processes and technologies to improve decision making for stakeholders.
Application Tool Department Project Report Base Archive IT Service Solution Suite Interdepartmental Team Continuous process Knowledge Base Actionable Information Business Asset What it is not…What it is…
Data Warehouse: central repository for all significant data that an enterprise collects
Small OLTP database
Business Issue: A customer’s order was seriously delayed. Manager: Why? Order Fulfillment: Supplier issue. Simple Business Question: Who was our product supplier?
Small OLTP database
Large OLTP database
Manager: Where’s my data? DBA: Query still running.
Ralph KimballBill Inmon Data Warehouse: Data Model Star SchemaSnowflake Schema Vs.
Star Schema
Data Model: Snowflake Schema
Fact: 37 Lemons were sold during April in our Chicago stores. Measure: Units sold Dimension: Product Dimension: Time Dimension: Geography
Data Warehouse: ETL One or many data marts One or many data sources One or many uses
The Microsoft Toolset Presentation SQL Server Reporting Services SharePoint Performance Point Excel PowerView (Crescent) Analysis SQL Server Analysis Services PowerPivot E.T.L SQL Server Integration Services SQL Server Database Services Excel
* Information Management BI Maturity Stages
Right Presentation to Right Audience
Who is your sponsor?
Technology adequate for the skillsets? Skillsets adequate for the technology?
What makes BI successful? Tool? Tool Features? Content!
Bobby, where’s my report ? Are empowering users ?
Are you missing any part of the puzzle? Consultant