Bill “Bo jangles” Robinson Born in Richmond Virginia
Have you heard of Bill? Despite the ups and downs in his life, Bill was able to overcome those struggles, to become a famous actor and tap dancer!
His Family Life Bills given name was Luther, but he latter changed it to Bill.
Conflicts Bill worked hard in a very important movie, (that would make him a lot of money) and the director cut him out!!!!!!!! How rude!!!! When he was 7, he quit school, so he didn’t learn as much as we are learning. When he died school was closed for a day.
His accomplishments Performed on Broadway and night clubs. Danced professionally at age 8. Stared in more then a dozen movies. Bill danced as well as before, even when he pasted 60. He was an actor and a dancer. He made a famous dance called “The stair dance.” Performed the dance for the king of England. He also danced in a show called ‘vaudeling’
Achievements Danced with Jessie Owens
Why is he important? Bill is important because, he showed us that, even the people who were different then us, and still are different then us, can be just as great as us at many different things. Including dancing or acting! Some people may be better at things! But God made all of us special, and unique, and we should be proud of who we are! Just like Bill.
Bill Robinson Despite the many conflicts in Bills life, he was able to overcome those struggles, to become a famous actor and tap dancer!