HOW DID THE BP OIL SPILL OCCUR? What covers the outside of the pipe is cement. A huge section of the natural gas was pushed into the first or second cement layer when it broke, letting out all the oil into the gas. When the gas hit the oil it caused a gigantic explosion killing eleven workers.
WHAT WAS BEING DONE TO SLOW DOWN THE FLOW OF OIL? What BP has done to try and slow down the oil is to cut the pipe that was spewing with oil to attempt to put a cap on it so that the oil temporarily stops spilling out of the pipe. Once they do that they will then close it off permanantly.
WHAT WAS BEING DONE TO CLEAN UP THE OIL? To clean the oil they started by, along the coast, installing marine protection beams. So far the beam is already 180,000 feet in the water. What the beam does is it sucks all the oil into themselves and disposes of it.
WHAT ARE THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE OIL SPILL ? I think the oil left a lot of enviromental impacts such as: animals dying from the oil either suffocating them from lack of air and the oil on some animals fur (mainly birds) can struggle with moving because of the weight of the oil and the stickiness can also prevent the birds from opening there wings and flying which can dramatically and scarcely change the birds habitat forever.
HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO THE HEALTH AND SOCIAL EDUCATION AOI? I think the oil spill relates to the AOI because it has damaged the health of many animals. Though it does give you knowledge on what you should and should not do for example they showed you how to fix a cap of an oil leak but yet the mistake should not have happened.