1 CASTING CALL: LEAD ROLE Maria Smalley Educational Consultant & Supervisor 2004 UBAH National Convention Tulsa OK
2 How to Get the Role of My Dreams Research the Part! Get My Credentials in Order! Request Audition! Rehearse! Rehearse! Rehearse! I’m On! The Call Back!
3 Research the Part! Consult my Up-Line Review all available info on UBAH Book Fairs Reading is a Gift program website Chat Logs/Training Logs FTP Site Message Boards Determine schools/organizations to approach Research Prospects Peruse school’s/organization’s website Become familiar with major areas of grade-level study (e.g., Google search: state curriculum) Identify decision-maker
4 Get My Credentials in Order! Become an Educational Consultant (required to work with K-12 public and private schools or libraries) List school(s) I plan to approach (Check Educational Services website to make sure school isn’t listed) Get a UBAH website Convenient 24/7 ordering for S&Ls E-Fairs On-line catalog Wish Lists
5 Request Audition! Call the decision-maker Introduce myself Ask them Are you currently being serviced by an Educational Consultant with Educational Services and Usborne Books? Are you familiar with Usborne Books? Share what I can do for them! Superior, personalized service! Direct sales Book raisers Fundraisers Teacher Appreciation Events Request minute meeting to share details
6 Rehearse! Rehearse! Rehearse! Prepare Reading is a Gift PR material Program Benefits Success Stories Sample documents/materials Benefits of Working with Me! About EDC Write your own script and Practice! Practice! Practice! Parent Letter BF Agreement Reminder Letters/Flyers Poster Student Wish List Brochure Librarian/Teacher Wish List Bookmark Press Release Sticker
7 I’m On! Meet with decision-maker Smile! Maintain and share positive, enthusiastic attitude! Ask questions How many students in school/organization? How many Book Fairs held each year? What is the format (cash & carry versus orders)? What are the typical retail sales? Is a preview period held? Will parent volunteers help everyday? What did you like/dislike about your last Book Fair? What are your expectations for your next Book Fair? How would you like the proceeds? (cash, books, both, %)
8 I’m On! (cont.) Briefly share content of PR materials addressing specific “hot topics” in answers to questions (I can... I will... You get...) Share E-Fair option Share a few, age-appropriate POPULAR product samples (include a Kid Kit) Determine next step (e.g., schedule event, meet with larger group, call next week)
9 The Call Back! Review the outcome of the first meeting Revisit wants, needs and expectations (I understand that...) Ask if any additions or revisions
10 The Call Back (cont.) Present program details tailored to school’s/organization’s wants, needs and expectations (include proposed schedule) UNDER PROMISE AND OVER DELIVER!!! Advertise early and often – Folder flyers; newsletters Teacher letter and wish lists Parent letter – Preview days Set-up Student preview – Students prepare wish lists Parent letter/reminder – Shopping days Students go shopping! Pack-up; return site to pre-Book Fair condition or better! Determine FREE book and/or cash proceeds School/organization selects FREE books, if not already done Final order placed Books received, labeled, sorted, bagged, delivered
11 The Call Back (cont.) Ask for and answer questions Choose event dates – best if coincides with at least one evening event (e.g., science fair, technology night, family reading night, art show) Complete Reading is a Gift Book Fair Agreement Share your enthusiasm and appreciation for the opportunity to service them!
12 I Got the Part – Now What? Working with the Cast and Crew! Dress Rehearsal! Opening Day! The Final Curtain Call! And the Award Goes to...
13 Working with the Cast and Crew! Meet with the Book Fair Chair Define the communication strategy (i.e., format, frequency, content) Design requested master documents Determine display layout and logistics (Consult Up-Line and other successful consultants) Table and/or floor racks and/or books stacked on tables Customer flow Books arranged by age, price or topic Determine and order inventory (Consult Up-Line and other successful consultants) Order agreed upon materials (e.g., brochures, posters, stickers, order forms)
14 Dress Rehearsal! Set-up inviting display! Walk through logistics of preview and shopping days Provide orientation for volunteers Address last minute challenges
15 Opening Day! Be available to all throughout event! Maintain positive, supportive, helpful attitude – ALWAYS!!
16 The Final Curtain Call! Promptly take down display Provide total retail sales and options for proceeds Finalize FREE books and need for cataloguing products Place final order Provide invoice for payment Request letter verifying $$$ Book Fair was held Sort, bag and deliver books Send Thank You note Provide results announcement for display and distribution
17 And the Award Goes to... ME!!! Check-in with teachers, media specialist and BF chair(s) 1-2 weeks after books are delivered Are they satisfied? What did they like most? Least? Any recommendations for improvement? Would they like additional titles or copies? Remind them that I am happy to service any future needs Proudly and enthusiastically thank the decision- maker for the opportunity to share Usborne Books Schedule release of Reading is a Gift 2 !
18 Closing Credits Encouraging and Supportive Up-Line Ray and Amy Engler, Supervisors Paul and Shelley Morrissette, Supervisors Tom and Nancy Ann Wartman, Executive Supervisors Raleigh NC area supervisors and ECs, especially Debbie Burget, Supervisor Courtney Roberts Carolyn Brown Amy Strasser Smalley Dream Believers, especially Heidi Fusik Linda Hall Donna Michell Joanne Yow