2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com 6 Steps to Creating Brochures that Sell !
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com 6 Steps for Creating Brochures that Sell 1.What’s your fancy factor? 2.What’s your purpose? 3.Who are you talking to? 4.What’s your goal? 5.What’s your selling environment? 6.What’s your call to action? Answer the following:
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 1: What’s Your Fancy Factor? » What’s the price of your product/service? $20 haircut vs. $60,000 BMW » How technical is it? Hotdog Stand vs. Radio Frequency Technology » How much do they need it vs. want it? Plumber vs. Vacation Rental
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 1: What’s Your Fancy Factor? Basic rule of thumb: The higher the price... The higher the technology The higher the want emotion... The fancier you should make your brochure
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com
Step 2: What’s Your Purpose? Customer leave-behind Outline for sales staff to use during a call Mailer to introduce a product Application for your product/service Industry-specific uses for your product Company brand awareness How are you using the brochure?
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 2: What’s Your Purpose? Knowing your brochure’s purpose determines the content...
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com
Step 3: Who are You Talking to? Who’s reading your brochure? CEOs Chefs Engineers Operations managers 20-year old students Working moms
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 3: Who are You Talking to? Knowing your audience determines: How technical your language How much industry jargon to use The tone (e.g., casual, corporate, friendly) Which objections to overcome Which benefits to target (e.g., service, ease of use, cost savings, fun)
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 4: What’s Your Goal? New product line (e.g., furniture catalog, clothing, etc.) How to use the product Generate new product interest Technical data to support the sales process Order form
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 5: What’s Your Selling Environment? Situation 1 Your prospect doesn’t know he has a problem that your product/service can solve. or Your prospect knows he has a problem, but doesn’t think it’s a big deal. So he’s not looking for a solution.
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 5: What’s Your Selling Environment? Situation 1 : Prospect doesn’t think he has a problem Solution Attention-grabbing headline on the front Emphasize the consequences of the problem if left unaddressed Build up the urgency to resolve the issue Show proof their life will improve with the issue resolved (testimonials, anecdotes, case studies)
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 5: What’s Your Selling Environment? Situation 2 Your prospect knows he has a problem that your type of product can help him solve. But he’s not sure you’re the best solution.
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 5: What’s Your Selling Environment? Situation 2: Your prospect doesn’t know if your type of product is the best solution. Solution Documentation proving your product gets the job done (lab tests, 3 rd party analysis, studies, testimonials) Free, no-obligation trial offer
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 5: What’s Your Selling Environment? Situation 3 Your prospect knows he has a specific problem and your type of product is the right solution. But he isn’t sure your product is the best choice out of all your competitors.
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 5: What’s Your Selling Environment? Situation 3: Your prospect isn’t sure you’re a better choice than your competitors. Solution Do a side-by-side comparison using charts or table Compare key features against your main 2-3 competitors Quantify your superiority Show features you have that your competitors don’t
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Step 6: What’s Your Call to Action? What do you want them to do? Call you Fill out a form Go online Visit your store Redeem a coupon Always include your complete company contact information
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com 6 Steps for Creating Brochures that Sell 1.What’s your fancy factor? 2.What’s your purpose? 3.Who are you talking to? 4.What’s your goal? 5.What’s your selling environment? 6.What’s your call to action? Answer the following:
2011© BL Copywritingwww.BLCopywriting.com Get FREE copywriting tips for small business owners Drop off your business card or Sign up at BLCopywriting.com