Copyright© Underwriters Laboratories Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this material may be reprinted in any form without the express written permission of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. or as otherwise provided in writing. January 11, 2014 UL means more than just U.S. Medical and Laboratory Equipment Underwriters Laboratories is your one-stop resource for certification marks recognized around the world.
p/ 2 Global Market Access Program Benefits of ULs GMA Program One test plan allows you to certify your product for entry into new markets. Avoid complexity and confusion in the global certification process. Save effort and resources in accessing markets around the world. Now theres a one-stop resource for third-party certification services a one-stop resource thats recognized by public health authorities in major medical markets everywhere: Underwriters Laboratories
p/ 3 Global Market Access Program UL makes it easier for you to make and sell high quality devices: UL is accredited to provide marks recognized around the world. With just one product submission, you receive multiple market- specific marks of safety. Because UL gives you access to markets around the world, your resources (people, time, and money) are freed for more value-added work. A UL-bestowed mark is a strong credential with stakeholders.
p/ 4 Global Market Access Program Med Standard IEC Lab Standard IEC North America Europe South America Europe South America Asia ULs Global Market Access Certification Packages
p/ 5 Global Market Access Program Global Market Access Its yours, with UL. ULs services are recognized in major markets: US Europe Canada Japan Brazil Taiwan China UL combines on-site Assessments for: Regulatory compliance Registration with international quality programs Product safety performance
p/ 6 Global Market Access Program Thank you for your interest in ULs Global Market Access Program!