LIVING ORGANISMS: A Super3 Informational Text Project By: Mrs. Quinn’s 1 st Grade Class
LIVING ORGANISMS A bird is a living thing. It nee d shelter to survive. McKenna PICTURE It can fly high in the air. It has beautiful wings
LIVING ORGANISMS A MONKEY IS A LIVING THING The monkey is brown. The monkey needs food to live. Tristian PICTURE
LIVING ORGANISMS A kangaroo is a living thing A kangaroo is light brown. A kangaroo needs Water, food, and shelter so they can live live. Kevin
LIVING ORGANISMS A butterfly is a living thing. Butterflies are beautiful. Butterflies need flowers and pollen to survive. Liz
LIVING ORGANISMS A dog is a living thing It’s hairy. It needs water. It needs food to live. Kenady PICTURE
LIVING ORGANISMS Un insecto es un ser vivo. Tienen alas y ojos. Necisitan alimento para vivir. Jose
LIVING ORGANISMS Una flor es un ser vivo Una flor es rosa Y necesita agua y sol jacobo PICTURE
LIVING ORGANISMS A Turtle A turtle has a really hard shell. A turtle needs water, sun, shelter.
LIVING ORGANISMS A horse is a living thing. It looks like a donkey and a zebra. It needs water and hay and space to run. hailey
LIVING ORGANISMS Una mariposa es un ser vivo Una mariposa tiene alas y muchos colores tiene antenas. Una mariposa necesita aire para vivir. Giselle PICTURE
A Turtle A turtle has a hard shell A turtle need’s food t0 live. i Will
LIVING ORGANISMS A spider is a living thing. A spider looks hairy and has 8 legs. Spiders need air and food. Brady
LIVING ORGANISMS A shark is a living thing It looks like a big silver fish. It needs fish to live. BLas
LIVING ORGANISMS An elephant is a living thing. An elephant has big ears. It has a big trunk. It needs water and peanuts. Emersyn PICTURE
LIVING ORGANISMS A spider A spider has eight legs. A spider needs food and air to live. Tevin PICTURE
LIVING ORGANISMS A grasshopper is a living thing A grasshopper has springy legs because they can jump far. A grasshopper needs food and water. Ryan
LIVING ORGANISMS Un mono es un ser vivo Un mono es de muchos colores.el mono esta peludo Un mono necesita alimento para vivir. elizabeth PICTURE
LIVING ORGANISMS A kangaroo is a living thing. A kangaroo has brown fur. Kangaroos have a pouch for their joey Kangaroos needs food to eat Rachel
LIVING ORGANISMS A flower is a living thing. A flower is beautiful. They have pedals that bloom in the spring. A flower needs sun and Air. Stella
LIVING ORGANISMS Una flor es un ser vivo. Una flor es roja y verde. Es grande. Acupa agua, sol, tierra y agua. Riki PICTURE
LIVING ORGANISMS A tree is a living thing. A tree has green leaves and a trunk. A tree need air and water to survive. cole PICTURE
LIVING ORGANISMS An ant is a living thing Ant’s can be black’ Red or yellow. Black ant’s eat leave’s. Yellow ant’s eat other bug’s. Perry
LIVING ORGANISMS A shark needs water and food. A shark looks like a silver shark Eduardo PICTURE A shark is a living thing
LIVING ORGANISMS A butterfly is a living thing. Butterfly’s are Beautieful. They need air and food to live. Isabella
LIVING ORGANISMS A cheetah is a living thing Un cheetah necesita carne para comer y necesita agua. Corre muy rapido y come venados. Eugenio PICTURE