Linn OHLSSON, IATI Secretariat Rudolphe PETRAS, Development Co-operation Directorate, OECD IATI Steering Committee, 3 October 2013 The Common Standard.


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Presentation transcript:

Linn OHLSSON, IATI Secretariat Rudolphe PETRAS, Development Co-operation Directorate, OECD IATI Steering Committee, 3 October 2013 The Common Standard - Progress and perspectives

Common Standard – Progress (1/2) In June, G8 Leaders “agreed to implement the Busan Common Standard on Aid Transparency, including both the CRS of the OECD DAC and the IATI, by 2015” Busan endorsers agreed to publish their respective schedules to implement the common standard by December 2012, with the aim of implementing it fully by December Implementation Schedule Template prepared by DAC and IATI Secretariats in Joint DAC-IATI letters sent in October and December 2012 and July 2013, to all providers of development co-operation, reminding the commitment to fill in the implementation schedule. To date, 45 providers (33 bilateral agencies, 11 multilateral organisations, and 1 foundation) published their schedule. See

The DAC Secretariat has checked the schedules against the current CRS and FSS reporting and contacted back the agencies to solve the discrepancies and inaccuracies The IATI Secretariat is currently undertaking a similar exercise A first review of DAC Members’ schedules has been prepared by the DAC Secretariat and presented to the DAC WP-STAT in June. A review of all providers’ schedule will be prepared jointly by DAC and IATI Secretariats by end October Common Standard – Progress (2/2)

Collaboration on the Common Standard Communication and Outreach 19th June, in Paris: first meeting between the DAC Secretariat and the new IATI Secretariat Joint Common Standard communication material (e.g. 1 pager, FAQs) in several languages prepared ; will be updated and disseminated widely A specific web page on the Common Standard will be created on the Global Partnership website Two joint workshops on the common standard have been held with EU members in Brussels Additional workshops/communication material as needed Both Secretariats agreed to invite each other in future meetings where the Common Standard is presented or discussed The WP-STAT chair (or representatives from the WP-STAT bureau) will participate in IATI-SC and IATI TAG meetings

OECD/DAC agreed to provide code lists in machine readable format Mechanism of coordination between both Secretariats regarding classification and code changes and additions, so that modifications are reflected in all systems concurrently IATI will prepare a complete table of definitions by the end of the year The two Secretariats are working jointly to develop a transparency indicator as part of the Global Partnership Monitoring Framework in order to capture providers’ transparency of aid information (more details in the next session) Collaboration on the Common Standard Technical aspects

Common Standard Perspectives DAC and IATI Members have requested good collaboration and a clear division of labour between DAC and IATI Secretariats A paper on transparency, including a section on data and the common standard, will be presented and discussed at the DAC on 22 October Challenge: find a way by which providers, users and the public are aware of the differences in scope and the nature of the information that each system generates in order to use the appropriate source for the intended objective Until now, work has focused on ensuring that CRS definitions and classifications are used in the IATI system More is needed in the future, including ensuring links between the 3 components of the Common Standard, and avoiding duplication of efforts Both Secretariats will need to work jointly on this and make proposals for decisions of their governing bodies
