Lesson Planning What do I want the students to learn? Topic/subject content Historical skills Relevance/applicability How will they learn that?
Historical Skills Chronology What is, and what is not a Victorian punishment?
Relevance Why am I asking them to study this How does this apply to their lives? What impact has this topic/period had on our society today? Has this affected our locality? Is it interesting?
How will they learn it? The Search for Resources What is on the curriculum and what is not
ICT skills Current ICT curriculum Office package 2014 Curriculum changes Coding/programming Responsibility for teaching WP, Powerpoint, Excel, Publisher lies within subject teachers remit...\..\Year 6\Crime and Punishment\Huntingdon Jail\HUNT.CSV..\..\Year 6\Crime and Punishment\Huntingdon Jail\prisoner activities 2013.doc
List of websites unishmentsThoughTime.html unishmentsThoughTime.html source_3871_134.html source_3871_134.html