Andrew Cormack Chief Regulatory Adviser, Access Management and Security WG
With thanks to David F: Identify common requirements Reuse existing stuff where we can Guide development of new stuff where efficient Use “specials” when needed Unofficial high level aims
Common user life-cycle? StagePolicyControllingCommon?Delegated? ApplicationInfrastructureWho gets accessHeadings?No Identity linkingAuthenticationHow identifiedYesYes: home org Group formingCollaborationMaybe?Yes: to PI Service useData/serviceLegal/ethical/etcPer discipline?? May I use? Here’s my team Use service This is me
e.g. Policy enforcement e.g. Revocation time e.g. Credential strength e.g. Policy enforcement e.g. Revocation time e.g. Credential strength Delegated Authentication If needed, link ‘me’ to #ID# etc. Login Linked account Authentication policy promises Authenticated as #ID# SystemProtectsProtocol eduroamNetwork accessRADIUS SAMLWebpagesHTTP Moonshot“Anything”HTTP, SSH,...
Probably common to many e-Infrastructures Need to agree it with organisation you’re delegating to – Easiest if they’re doing it already – Otherwise need to persuade them it’s worth it HE employers can probably already provide – Persistent identifier + accountability when required Unique, opaque, identifier Authenticated by username/password Revoked when person leaves Hold person accountable for reported policy breaches Getting more likely to need individual negotiations – How many organisations do users belong to? – Do you have users with no organisation? How many different policies do we need? Authentication policy
Infrastructure Policy – Who uses this infrastructure, for what – Probably unique to each infrastructure – May have common headings? Data Policy – Who uses this dataset, for what – Includes regulatory, ethical, commercial issues – May be common to a discipline – But maybe unique to the dataset Other Policies
Workflow – Maybe orthogonal to initial AuthN/AuthZ? Group management/authorisation tools Citizen scientists (and other homeless users) – Social login? Part of group management? Other? Secure operations etc. Sharing experiences of all of these Other possible areas of WG interest
Is this picture wrong? Do you need more than basic delegated authentication? What sources of authentication do you need? Is delegated group management needed? Can you provide/develop infrastructure & data policies? What’s missing? Questions
Janet, Lumen House Library Avenue, Harwell Oxford Didcot, Oxfordshire t: +44 (0) f: +44 (0) e: b: Questions?