West Kingston Elementary School Mrs. Rollins Room 121
Itinerant Schedule Monday ~ music Tuesday ~ art Wednesday~ p.e. Thursday ~p.e. Friday ~ library
Homework Reading Log Math Fundations Have a quiet place for you child to complete their homework. Try to stick to a schedule, too.
Reading Log At the beginning of each week your child has the opportunity to read for 100 minutes or more to earn a bead. The reading log will be checked at the beginning of the next week. Lost reading log? Print one out at
Math Home Links will be given on most nights and will be due the following day. These are for practice only and should not take more than 15 minutes to complete. We will quickly review homework together and it will be sent home.
Fundations This is our phonics program which is taught in the classroom daily. The homework packet will go home on Monday and will be due back to school on Friday. Again, this is practice and children should be independent in completing except for the nightly dictation. Your child will write the words using the phonics rules they have learned in the classroom. Thank you for you help!
Reading Workshop South Kingstown is working hard to establish an effective reading program that is appropriate for all students working at different levels. I will be meeting with our literacy coach, Leslie Perrin, frequently to ensure all reading lessons align with the Common Core Standards. Mrs. Perrin will also be coming into the classroom team teach and work with students. Most importantly, kids will be reading for an extended period of time daily.
Mathematics South Kingstown second grades follow the Everyday Math program. This program spirals, therefore students will see math concepts and strategies again and again. It is important to keep in mind that not all skills are being assessed for mastery. In addition to the Everyday Math program students will be practicing math computation on a regular basis. The goal is for kids to learn strategies for arriving at a correct answer quickly. By the end of the year no one should be counting on their fingers! Please take any opportunity you can to involve your child in “real life” math.
Science We will be exploring 3 kits fromGems Net 1.Solids and Liquids 2.Insects 3.Simple Machines At the end of the school year we will go to Casey Farm and see simple machines at work in the real world.
Writing Students will be doing a lot of writing this year. A good amount will be non-fiction based on our science kits. This writing will be kept in their sciences notebooks for the year. There will also be opportunities to write creatively on topics of their choice. Good writers write about what they know.
Classroom Website Please check our classroom website frequently. I will be posting information, insightful student comments and pictures of you children at work. This website is a work in progress. I am learning with the help of our districts technology team.