OH&S IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY – WK 2, SEMESTER Why do we need it? Due to injuries within the workplace, and the increase of litigation and responsibilities of employers, businesses are required by law to comply with the ‘Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001’. The Regulation applies to all places of work
Meaning of “control” of risks 1 1 - For employers, an obligation to control control a risk to health or safety is an obligation to take the following measures (in the order specified) to minimise the risk to the lowest level reasonably practicable: (a) firstly, substituting the hazard giving rise to the risk with a hazard that gives rise to a lesser risk. – use a less hazardous process, plant (def- plant plant includes any machinery, equipment or appliance). or or substance to do the same work in order to eliminate or reduce the potential for injury or illness (b) secondly, isolating the hazard from the person put at risk. this can done with physical barriers, distance or time
(c) thirdly, minimising the risk by engineering means, Examples of these include – using automatic controls or guarding on plant – changing the design of the workplace and – using extractive ventilation; (d) fourthly, minimising the risk by administrative means (for example, by adopting safe working practices or providing appropriate training, instruction or information), (e) fifthly, using personal protective equipment. This should not be solely relied upon and should only be used as a last resort to control risks. 2 -A combination of the above measures is required to be taken to minimise the risk to the lowest level reasonably practicable if no single measure is sufficient for that purpose.
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment An An employer must identify hazards that could harm their employees or any other person at their workplace. If a hazard is identified, an employer must assess the risk that someone may be harmed by that hazard.
The The Regulation identifies a number of factors from which hazards must be identified. These include; work premises. (Building inspections, risk assessments and emergency drills). Work Work practices and systems. (Risk assessments by activity). Shift Shift working arrangements. Plant. Hazardous Hazardous or biological substances. (Material Substances Data Sheets). Manual Manual handling. (Courses) The The working environment. (Room risk assessments). potential for violence. (Serious Incident Management Plan). Employers Employers must ensure that they have procedures in place to identify hazards at certain specific times –
Risk Control An An employer must eliminate risks, or if this is not reasonably practical, control the risk to the fullest extent possible. When controlling risks for certain hazards, an employer must comply with the specific risk controls set out. Personal protective equipment should only be used to minimize risks if there are no other practical ways to prevent an injury or disease.
The Regulation Regulation outlines the responsibilities of employers to: review risk assessments and control measures. provide instruction, training and information. provide supervision. provide and maintain personal protective equipment. obtain information. provide for emergencies. provide amenities. maintain amenities and accommodation. provide first aid facilities and personnel.
EORA Eora has an OH&S Committee comprising of no less than two elected employee representatives and no more than two appointed employer representatives. The The scope of the committee is to consult with staff on health and safety issues relevant to the running of the college. To To assist in disseminating OH&S policies and information to staff. monitor the implementation of OH&S systems across college. make recommendations to management on OH&S issues. Conduct Conduct building inspections. Oversee Oversee emergency evacuations. Eora has two first aid officers.