Orvieto Cathedral façade Lorenzo Maitani
“Madonna and Child”, Lorenzo Maitani Marble Orvieto Cathedral lunette
First Pillar: Genesis Lorenzo Maitani Marble Orvieto Cathedral
First Pillar: Genesis, detail
First Pillar: God creates Man First Pillar: The First Five Days of Creation
First Pillar: God blows life into man, God takes a rib from Adam, God creates Eve
First Pillar: The Fall of Man
First Pillar: Genesis, detail
First Pillar: Expulsion from ParadiseLabours of Adam and Eve
First Pillar: Sacrifice of Cain and Abel Cain murders Abel
First Pillar: the First Activities of Man
Second Pillar: The Messianic Prophesies (Tree of Jesse) Lorenzo Maitani Marble Orvieto Cathedral
Second Pillar: Abraham sleeping Second Pillar: Abraham’s skeleton and the judges of Israel
Second Pillar: Samuel anoints David
Second Pillar: King David
Second Pillar: Prophecy of Balaam
Second Pillar: Balaam and the Ass
Second Pillar, detail
Second Pillar: Illustration of the Messiah’s Coming
Second Pillar: Melchizedek offers Bread and Wine to Abraham
Second Pillar, detail
Second Pillar: Crucified Christ between Sun and Moon
Third Pillar: New Testament Lorenzo Maitani Marble Orvieto Cathedral
Third Pillar: Jacob Sleeping
Third Pillar, detail
Third Pillar: the Visitation
Third Pillar: the Visitation, detail
Third Pillar: the Nativity, detail
Third Pillar: Adoration of the Magi
Third Pillar: Presentation in the Temple
Third Pillar: Flight into Egypt
Third Pillar: Massacre of the Innocents
Third Pillar: Jesus Among the Doctors in the Temple
Third Pillar, detail
Third Pillar: Baptism of Christ
Third Pillar: Crucifixion
Third Pillar: Mary Magdalene at Christ’s Tomb
Third Pillar: Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene/ “Noli me Tangere”
Fourth Pillar: Last Judgement Lorenzo Maitani Marble Orvieto Cathedral
Fourth Pillar, detail
Fourth Pillar: Resurrection of the Dead
Fourth Pillar: the Damned
Fourth Pillar: the Saved
Fourth Pillar: the Saved, detail
Fourth Pillar: the Damned, detail
Fourth Pillar: the Damned being sent to Hell
Fourth Pillar: the Damned, detail
Fourth Pillar, detail
Fourth Pillar: Group of Saints
Fourth Pillar: Group of Female Saints
Fourth Pillar: Christ in Judgement
Fourth Pillar: Trumpeting Angels